Handle: Ferus
Timezone: East Coast US
Gender: female (yeah, I know I misspelled it. *fails*)
AIM:dora boots y tu
Name: [AU/OU]Dora “The Explorer” Marquez [OU]
Series: Dora the Explorer
Canon: The show doesn’t really have any over-arching plotline. So we’ll say after she’s met Boots and gotten her Backpack, maybe right after her cousin Daisy’s fifteenth birthday party?
Age: 7
Profession:drug trafficker
History: Dora’s history isn’t gone into much in the show (it is a kid’s show after all) all we know is that she lives with her two parents in a nice little house somewhere in a place we can assume is an idealized version of Mexico. We don’t get much history before the series starts beyond that her backpack was a gift from her parents and that she met Boots while wandering through this wonderful land populated by squirrels who drive cars and iguanas who tend flower gardens. Swiper her sort of arch nemesis and the worst thief ever just shows up to take her things and throw them in the nearest convenient tree or bush for easy retrieval for no real reason. Even before her parents gave her the backpack she has now Dora spent most of her days going one place or another, visiting friends, going to the park or just seeing what was in the world around her. Her days would tend to follow the same format, there would be something she wanted, somewhere she needed to go or someone she wanted to visit or help and she would go do it. No word to her parents necessary, just her and her friend Boots.
One day she was going to her cousin Daisy’s Quinceañera, tasked with delivering a pair of shoes and a tiara in time for the party. She did so , meeting up with several of her friends along the way and making it to the party just in time to deliver the items. After staying up late into the night she goes to head home, only to suddenly feel very dizzy…
Personality: Dora is above everything else a seven year old. She’s rather intelligent and independent but at the same time she is seven. She likes going to the playground and playing with her friends and bedtime stories. She faces every day with a smile and a strong belief there is nothing that can’t be solved by digging deep enough in the “magic” backpack her parents gave her and relying on her friends. She loves singing, dancing, and taking trips to anywhere within walking distance.
She is an eternal optimist, no goal is unattainable, no problem unsolvable if you just try hard enough and have the right friends. She has never been shown to hold a grudge or even get truly angry and has only called someone ‘mean’ once. Even enemies are seen as potential friends and everyone is treated to the same sunny smile and happy greeting. This isn’t to say that everyone ends up liking her, more that she likes everyone until they’re gone so far to proven themselves unlikeable that most people would hate them. It’s not even that she’s a saint, she’s just naïve.
She is likely to treat her new situation as just another adventure, something that can be dealt with easily enough the same way she’s dealt with everything else in her life. Even temporarily depressing situations don’t keep her down for long, so long as she has her friends by her side (or at least Boots) she knows that everything will be fine. She speaks English and Spanish fluently, and has some knowledge of first aid. Other than that her skill set is limited to what a seven year old would know, she can read and write, and her grammar is correct, even if her writing is never shown. She has a pet monkey named Boots who she has somehow convinced 1)to wear a pair of red boots and 2)to not fling his feces everywhere. She also talks to him, believes he talks back and will translate any Spanish into English for his benefit. Other than that and a firm belief that everyone she meets are her friends as well as talking to most animals in general, even the occasional door, bush, bicycle, tree and her map and purple backpack, she’s just your average sane seven year old.
Boots on the other hand, is quite different from Dora personality-wise, and not just because he’s a monkey. Dora’s uncle and aunt did quite a bit of animal experimentation in their rainforest home, including increasing the intelligence of several primates. Boots was one of their successes. Dora’s parents were worried about their daughter wandering around without any sort of supervision. Boots was provided as a way to ease their fears. He’s still friendly, but he’s also rather impulsive and very loyal to Dora, acting as something like a bodyguard for the young girl, mostly through means of distraction though he’s not above attacking someone if it seems like a good idea. He’s not as intelligent as a person, so he tends to act more as a guard dog than anything else.