LOL AP you never fail to amaze me

Sep 02, 2008 20:52

In this post somebody actually sells an AP mousepad!

Angelic Pretty, seriously, I'm amazed that you come up with that as novelty gift. I doubt that I'll get that but someday I surely want to play your piano with my mouse (lol that sounds disturbing).


Schnäppchen under here )

lolita fashion

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Comments 19

kegom September 2 2008, 19:19:18 UTC
Oh wow... so much pink... *faint voice*

It always surprises me what kind of merchandising exists. There is Hello Kitty baby perfume, did you know?

Your pullover is pretty cute, though. ^^"


chichilein September 4 2008, 19:34:57 UTC
Yeah *pinky-chan is one of my nicknames actually* xD

WHAT really? That sounds cute and weird at the same time *laughs* yesterday I was in town with a friend and we crossed the Hello Kitty section at Kaufhof ... i mean HK garbage bin?

it is ^-^♥ thanks. What are you up to kegom? I read your PM that you wrote me once, that you plan to go to China ...?


kegom September 4 2008, 22:01:15 UTC
I find the idea of perfuming babies (with stuff other than baby powder and baby wipes, I mean) rather disturbing, but I'm sure a grown up could use it too, and then it would probably be pretty cute. ^^"

(That's not even the worst of it. I was in a HK shop in Shanghai, and they had Hello Kitty EVERYTHING. I don't think there is anything HK doesn't have an article of. v-v" But OK, that goes for other brands too... My six year old neighbour got a Diddl-Maus garbage bin for her birthday. ^^")

I am currently getting ready for university again! ^-^ Working on papers and stuff. And yes, I was in China! Last March, actually, and ONE OF THESE DAYS, I'm going to get myself to finally make a post about it... ^^"


chichilein September 4 2008, 22:40:40 UTC
Hm, you have a point. Well I doubt anyone would do perfume on their baby ('cept well I can think of one person - my own dear mother *lol*). Like, under my comment chalada actually did xD

Weeee, well hello there Shanghai. It's also the country where you get HK everything because of the copycats ne? ;) ... oh Diddl? It still lives? I was collecting the "block-blätter" then I was like what.. 11?

Yay! Welcome back! (Ok, you are right your pm was like 1 year old lol u_u) and I'll look forward to your entry ^^ I guess it was a nice experience for you too right?


obsessed_love September 2 2008, 21:09:11 UTC
Pretty pullover *_* If I had winter where I like I'd be buying sweaters and scarfs all the time |D


chichilein September 4 2008, 19:36:09 UTC
No winter where you live? Scary! Well, it kind of is cool because I hate Rain/Coldness so ... but then I couldn't wear pullover and stuff :3


obsessed_love September 4 2008, 20:07:14 UTC
Nope, none. |D It's always hot here. Is it rainy in Germany? =O I like the cold better, but that is because I rarely experience any sort of winter XD


chichilein September 4 2008, 20:33:21 UTC
In fall and winter YES it rains at least 1x in the week. Snow is also rare here because Germany is getting hotter and hotter... ;^; currently it rains here too.


0nemillionstars September 3 2008, 09:41:18 UTC
waaaaaaaaaaaas so ein schöner liz lisa pullover für 14€ ;_;
jetzt beneide ich dich, aber wirklich :(
wo hast du dir denn den abgecheckt?


chichilein September 4 2008, 19:40:22 UTC
auf egl_comm_sales normalerweise gibts da nur Lolita-Kleidung aber man findet auch "Alltagsschätze" :)
Im Post war noch ein anderer Pulli von Tralala o.o vllt. kriegste den noch?

wie gehts dir so? ♥


0nemillionstars September 5 2008, 09:40:21 UTC
ah danke ♥

ach mir gehts ganz gut soweit ^^ danke!
hoffe dir gehts auch ganz gut soweit :]


chichilein September 5 2008, 10:55:26 UTC
das freut mich zu hören ^__^ ich hab gelesen du kommst in die 10. ... is das Real oder Gym? (weil in der 10. macht man ja seine Prüfungen)

Ja, im Moment wieder gut, war so knapp 2 Monate lang in dem richtig bösen Tief ... aber es geht Bergauf *^*


chalada September 4 2008, 21:37:14 UTC
Ich kenn mich ja mit den Preisen da nicht so aus, aber 14€ ist sowieso für jeden Pullover ziemlich billig. Yay Schnäppchen! :D

(Das Mousepad find ich extrem süß, aber ich hab mir auch mal das Hello Kitty-Parfum gekauft... xD)


chichilein September 4 2008, 22:36:51 UTC
Ja, dazu kommt noch "OMG AUS JAPAN LAWL!" wobei ich denke das LizLisa sowas is wie Newyorkerzeug (vom Preis her) also is das trotzdem recht günstig. Vorallem in D-Land gibts nur diesen komischen Retrozug und kein Cutezeug. Yay Schnäppchen :D

(Echt? Wie riecht es? xD)

und ALTER geil du lebst XD &hearts xD


chalada September 4 2008, 22:41:04 UTC

(Nach... Amerika. XD Da hab ich es damals gekauft und es erinnert mich immer daran. Ich kann sowas nicht beschreiben, aber es hat was... spezielles, keine Ahnung. xD)

ICH lebe? XD ♥


chichilein September 4 2008, 23:22:05 UTC
Rofl, Amerika-Geruch. find ich gut xD ♥

Ja, eigentlich umgekehrt aber yay xD; ♥;


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