女のコの生活・Q & A

Sep 10, 2009 23:17

♣ First if you've been tagged you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question you dislike with a new, original question

♣ Second, tag 8 people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag the person who tagged you.

Lots of pillows or just one?

A main pillow and lots of little ones all over. I feel like a princess this way :D

What kind of books do you read?

Uh, recently I do not read any of them. But in general I like mystery (Fear Street anyone?) and romantic stuff and stuff involving taboos (drugs, sex, bad people, nazi stuff..) or other peoples experiences... also I like to read Dieter Nuhr's comedy books.
Do mags count as books? I like to read Popteen, Cawaii and Kera then.

What are your most awesome skills?

Ignoring people and make them feel uneasy (though it's something I don't like but it's a skill right?)
I can make people laugh quite easily also...

What's your favorite movie?

I like quite a few. But I like everything Robin Williams did...also I love The Color Purple with Whoopi Goldberg... recently I watched and liked: Inglorious Basterds & Coco before Chanel.
One movie that always stays in my heart and mind is My Girl.
Favourite animated one is Pocahontas.

What's really creepy?

Creepy (old) man who undress you with their eyes. Today I've met some of them. /shivers
But then I think almost all men are creepy ('cept daddy but he can be creepy at times too) 8D

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?

Longest obsession until now: Lolita fashion
Recent obsession: Allen/Road and NaruHina
Current obsession: SHOES/HIGH HEELS ♥

What flavor ice cream would you choose right now?

Vanilla.... Landliebe's Raspberry with Yoghurt....

What websites do you always visit when you go online?

Facebook, StudiVZ, LJ, lastFM...

What was the last thing you bought?

Today I've bought a cute golden clock necklace ♥

What was the cutest thing you've seen today?

the handicapped cat, sunbathing
kaefertal being all giddy and fangirlish over books
& the new Apollo guy ♥

Do you get cravings? If so, what do you crave?

Caramell. I'm a serious addict. Also I can always eat Crêpes and Pancakes.
And money.

What do you do to change your mood?

Usually I wait until it gets replaced by a new one. I never feel like changing sth.

What is your zodiac sign?


Do you want to learn another language?


Cake or death?


What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?

I'm not your stupid girlfriend, so get over it already. I have feelings you know, I cannot be always happy-go-lucky torwards you DEAL WITH IT OR GET LOST.

And to someone else:

lulz, you had the chance - your loss.

What are you looking forward to?

Next week: I'll stay at Katha's for 6 days ♥

Say something to the person who tagged you:

Your birthday party was better than mine ♥


Firstly: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.

Secondly: Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag whoever tagged you.

Have you ever lied to a teacher to get out of a deadline?

Yes. Often.

What kind of magazines do you read?

related to Japanese fashion for ex. KERA!, Popteen, Cawaii...
I also used to love ELLEgirl in my teens but it stopped printing ):

What's your occupation?

student at university of trier

What's really annoying?

eating too much and the feeling of being blown up
not getting attention from males I find attractive D:

Who is your celebrity crush?

Chris Pine ♥ Andrew Lawrence ♥

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?

EHEHE same question as above :D

What are you listening to right now?


What are you most excited for?

Maike visiting me because we shall partyyyy~ hard

What websites do you always visit when you go online?

another question I already answered :d

What was the last thing you bought?

....another question I already...

What was the cutest thing you've seen today?

....man....I mean...I like memes but....

Does the weather affect your mood?

it does.

What is your zodiac sign?


Do you want to learn another language?


5 things you can't live without:

ehehe that is new:
*my shiny ipod
*computer with interweb
*food /obviously :P
*Aquarell water
*fake eyelashes

Do you have any siblings?

yeah, two half-brothers

What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?

maaaamaaaa I looooove uuuuu ♥

If you weren't doing this meme, what would you be doing instead?

reading my lj friends list

Say something to the person who tagged you:


I tag everyone :D

memes & quizzes

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