The weather sucks, sucks, sucks. It's gonna be 4th month of that hard winter, I have enough! Can't look at snow anymore. Bleeeh, I'm already allergic on snow, just like Key. Too long! Please, take this cold away from me.
New layout or rather I should say - in middle of choosing new layout. This is trial time for this one.
Coming back to school
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Comments 15
Keke, I like this meme, I've already seen it elsewhere. So much fun. Usually, I don't know what to answer, but when I saw "The character everyone else loves that I don't" for SuJu, I cried in my head "Eun Hyuk!". XD Don't hit me XD! I know it's dangerous to say you don't love someone when everybody else does~ :'D "My five favorite characters" is soooo useless about other bands than SuJu XDD
You've seen it, in that way - you want me to pick you bands? >DD *evil smile* Oh noes! Why Eunhyuk? He's so funny and kind-heart, he so much loves his members and good with his rap and dance. But ok, you can dislike him... just tell me why *curious*, then I won't hit you. XD
"My five favorite characters" was really useless. But you know, it's more useful when it's about other fandoms than music, idk, movies, books, series?
You know that when you're allergic to pollen, at the end of the day you should wash your hair to get rid of the pollen on them? Like this you can have a good sleep 8D
Hehe, as you like :'D
Yes, under this point why not, but just, I don't think he's attractive at all. There's something about him which upsets me. Perhaps his behaviour? I don't know. I don't think he's funny or anything. I really don't understand why people like him, and when I ask nobody answers XD Perhaps there's no reason?
I never did a meme about movies & such o______o
o.o Noooo... nothing like that. I'm not as much allergic and only for tree's pollens like... I don't know how is "topola" in English XD anyway, kind of tree. But even though, I have to wash my hair every moring but because of that in the other case they look ugly. ;x
My friend also thinks he's not attractive but... I like how he looks, there's kind of cuteness and handsomeness in him (while I can't find it in Ryewook). While I really love his behavior, especially when he's together with Donghae. They are both so lively and childish &hearts Probably I don't make you understood about everything, 'cause since you don't think he's funny, while I think he is, so it's about our personal sense of humor. For me he's really, really lovable and kind-heart. Remember EHB's episode with crying... oh my, he's also so emotional, trurly attached with his beloved members.
So I can't see way - there's no reason. It's many of them!
też mam już dość zimy >_> ale wczoraj oglądałam pogodę i podobno w piątek ma być 15 stopni, co jest dziwne przy tym całym śniegu za oknem >>
15 stopni? *O* Daj Panie Jezu! Umarłabym ze szczęścia. Ja już naprawdę jestem załamana tą cholerną pogodą. Zaczynam tracić wiarę, że wiosna W OGÓLE przyjdzie. T^T
btw. oh nie, zapomniałam, że miałam Ci wysłać wiadomość. D: Właśnie zaczął się dla mnie całkiem beznadziejny okres, z wolnym czasem ograniczonym do minimum. Chyba będę musiała odłożyć moje zgłoszenie w jakąś kilkumiesięczną przyszłość. ;__;
ta pogoda jest zUa~~~ wczoraj to myślałam, że mnie zdmuchnie i zasypie T_T naprawdę kocham zimę, ale w tym momencie mam już dość T^T
spoko, zrobisz to jak będziesz miała czas :D ja też mam teraz taki zapieprz w szkole, że nie mam zbytnio czasu na tłumaczenie ani na nic >_>
Z której części Polski jesteś?
Oh no! Maybe not, firstly I couldn't pick up Jonghyun name and I called him - "that blondie" >D
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