Mar 29, 2002 16:48
there is something about a heartbreak, that just knocks you down. Im still crying...I WANTED TO STAY AT JILLIANS HOUSE DAMNIT!
Mar 28, 2002 22:33
Im up late, its what spring breaks for! lol
Mar 27, 2002 20:11
Oive, I COULD have sworn I was going to have a nervous breakdown..To much last minute work to do for a project that I was PRACTICALLY done with. Damn. Anyway, Im done now, and calm cool and collected. How have you people been? I think I got another anonymous comment, Im going to go read that now
Mar 25, 2002 22:17
Spaz is gonna kill me, cause a stalker! *yikes* ..IM seriously starting to run right now.
Mar 25, 2002 21:29
I cant believe Im in love with him...I really cant..Make it go away, or make it come true. *please?* but at least Im happy. and Im getting comments from someone anonymous>!