(no subject)

Jun 08, 2005 10:58

easy stuff.

full name, please. lauren boner
anything particularly interesting about it? some would consider boner an interesting last name.
were you named after anyone in particular? not that i know of
were you born in a country other than the one you currently reside in? psh. i wish.
speaking of, where do you live? marietta, georgia
ya like it? yep. i think it has good balance between the whole city thing and the small town thing.
where would you rather be? california, florida, whateve
do you have any familial ties to foreign countries? (i.e. relatives living there, parent(s) from there, etc.) my aunt lives in canada
do you have any distinguishing birthmarks? i have this weird bump on my head, and a million random freckles
do you get any attention for it/them? sometimes random people feel the need to study the top of my head and ask me what's up. i tell them it's my unborn twin.
you have any sort of disorder when you were born? nope. healthy baby.
do you have any siblings? Amy and Jennifer.
are you happy with this arrangement? mostly. things are easier for them in some ways and easier for me in other ways.

your blood type? i think i'm some version of O
do you know? not for sure
do you care? not really.
how old are you? 17
how old do you feel? 18, minus the coming home at 12 part.
how old do you want to be? 18. so i don't have to come home at 12.
how old don't you want to be? going with carly on this one and saying 40.
are you in school? where? yes, Sprayberry.
do you value education? i'm sure i will in the future, but right now it's just better than nothing.
do you drive? oh yes.
do you like driving? most times.
what's your biggest pet peeve on the road? people who won't let me pass them, people who don't use their blinkers.
do you suffer from mild to severe road rage? mhm. potty mouth potty mouth.
what about rage blackouts? don't leave me alone with forks.
did you just catch that reference? you know it.
what is that a reference to, hot shot? Summer, from the OC. shoveit.
do you like the way you look? yep.
do you like your hair color? yeah.
do you like your eye color? pretty much
what color(s) do you wish your hair/eyes could be? i wouldn't complain if my eyes were bright green.
what's stopping you? don't feel like spending money on contacts.
how tall are you? 5'1"
are you happy with it? minus all the shit i get for it, yes.
what's your skin tone? pretty fucking pale.
do you tan easily? fairly easily
do you like having a tan? yeah, minus the whole cancer part.
are you concerned with skin cancer in the least? yeah, my mom had it. that was scary enough.

how often do you cleanse? everyday.
do you prefer showers or baths? why? showers are faster.
do you roll or squeeze the tube of toothpaste? squeeze
are you at all amused by that terrible tuba-toothpaste joke? (i hope not.) never heard of it.
have you ever brushed your teeth while in the shower? yeah, it cuts down on time.
how often do you shave? (answer this question appropriate to your sex) whenever necessary...for the most part.
tell me some nuisances involved with shaving. it lasts like 2 seconds.
do you have a tongue scraper? on the back of my toothbrush. but it's not a very good one.
do you use it? mhm
isn't it great? oh yes.
do you ever use gel/mousse/pomade? usually gel, just to keep the poof down.
do you ever alter your natural texture? too lazy.
what's your hair 'routine'? wash, rinse, air dry. i like to keep it simple.

and now, whatever.
what song/band/album can't you stop listening to right now? name as many as you like. My Chemical Romance, Sevendust, Deftones, Atreyu.
so how much do you like finding songs that you loved 5 years ago? hah, it's so funny.
who's your favorite person in the world? i've got a few of those.
on the whole, do you relate better with boys or girls? boys
what's your favorite smell? for boys? Old Spice. no cologne necessary.
what are some of your favorite flavors? vanilla, strawberry, chocolate?
can you cook well? hah, i make some MEAN macaroni and cheese.
what do you do when you have the house to yourself? take showers with the door open while blasting music.
who do you want to have really good sex with? Bam Margera, Johnny Knoxville, Brandon Boyd, Seth Cohen...the list goes on.
what channel do you watch the most on tv? Spike, or Vh1.
what was the last disappointment you experienced? still no freaking cell phone.
who was the last person you spoke with on the phone? my dad
last person you talked to online? kezia
last person you hung out with? alex, ben, justin, chris, and p.
last good laugh you had? me playing Halo 2. it was just sad.
what would you change about yourself, physically, without regard to money or feasibility? boob jobs are gross. but bigger boobs wouldnt be a bad thing.
what wouldn't you change about yourself physically? everything else.
what is the one not-physical quality that sets you apart from others? my weirdness, i suppose.
are you a bargain hunter when it comes to shopping? most of the time, but on occasion i'll splurge on something.
what do you like shopping for best? cds or shirts.
do you even like shopping? not really. i have to be in the mood.
what's the next thing you're going to buy when you've got the funds? an iPod.
what car would you like to own in your wildest dreams? uh...1968 Corvette? or just a nice car. geez.
what's your 'type'? the funny, doesn't care about the rules, doesn't like drama type.
do you tend to stick to that type when dating people? yep.
who never fails to make you laugh? amy
who would you hook up with if there were guaranteed no strings attached? haHA.
what was your first impression of your best friend? oh man i love her!
how do you have your buddy list organized? sprayberry people and other people.
what messengers do you use? aim.
what was the last cd(s) you burned? Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge.
how many online journals do you have? two.
how many do you actually use? one.
do you make up unique screennames wherever you go, or do you use the same one everywhere? same one. thinking up new ones is just too much work.
describe the person you got this from in one word. faaaaaaaaaaantastic.
name someone you've been meaning to reconnect with. i think some good carly-lauren time is in order.
would you consider yourself photogenic? hardly. i always manage to contort myself into some weird position.
what's your favorite city (that you've been to)? New Orleans
what's your favorite boy name? Levi
favorite girl name? Avery
which one of your friends has the most unique name? Beza or Presence
do your hipbones stick out at all? a little
what about your ribs? a little
do your lips get chapped a lot? not a lot. i'm addicted to chapstick.
do you have a crush on anyone right now? i'd like to keep that to myself.
who was the last person you lost faith in? brett.
what instrument do you wish you could play? guitar? or drums i guess.
what are your thoughts on shakespeare? good.
what type of movies do you like? independent films, comedy, horror
give me a celebrity crush, or ten, of yours. Bam Margera, Johnny Knoxville, Brandon Boyd, Adam Brody, Heath Ledger
how's your temper? not bad
are you a phone person? hah, i could talk on the phone for forever if you let me.
why/why not? no idea. pretty sure i just like talking a lot.
do you spend more of your time online or out in the 'real world'? real world. i don't really like talking online anymore.
do people's initial assumptions of you have any truth once they get to know you? maybe? i have no idea what people's initial assumptions are of me.
are you defensive? when i need to be.
if you're upset about something, do you want someone there comforting you, or do you want to be left alone? i want comfort. especially hugs.
if you find a band you really like, do you keep the secret to yourself or do you share with as many people as possible?  i share it with a few people, and feel pretty accomplished.
would you consider yourself independent, personality wise? mostly
do you like dancing? only when i'm messing around
can you dance? not really.
do you care about things like that? nope.
do you dress well? when i want to.
how much of a romantic are you? depends on the moment. i can be pretty romantic though.
do you have big plans for the future? plans, yes, but they're not huge.
do you save ticket stubs? when i remember to take them out of my pants, yes.
have you ever written or received a secret admirer note? hah, not that i remember.
do you take good school pictures?  not usually.
are you taken aback when you see people in public whom you haven't seen in years? sometimes. depends on how much i liked them/how long it's been
do you actually talk to them? see above.
how often do you lie? often enough.
do you ever feel guilty? yeah.
are you all about order, or are you okay with a little clutter? a little clutter is ok.
is there a food group you simply cannot eat? vegetables. grooooss.
is that by choice or because of something like allergies? choice
can you appreciate the little things? yeah
do you? i try to.
has your disposition ever barred you from making friends? no. i love making friends! haha
have you ever lost a friend over a misunderstanding? yes.
do you think it's possible to have a successful online relationship? negative
do you like your smile? yeah, even though it's crooked.
what's one good thing about every season? change.
would you rather live in a place with all four seasons, or one strong season and the rest mild? all four seasons.
name one hobby/activity you've been meaning to indulge in. exercising more in general. pilates would be cool.
what's your favorite beverage? coke. it's bad.
are you okay with spending a night in with yourself? every once in a while, but usually no.
are you bored with this survey yet? slightly. more just feeling the need to get out of my pjs
did you like it? oh yes.
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