
Aug 16, 2003 21:56

saw the hottest guy today at sunset.

he was like....an estimated 5'10'' dark green pants white shirt beanie. my friend daniella waved at you as you were turning a corner. yeah, we caught you lookin back, you hot mama jama. yeah if thats you. holla. i'll give up my virginity to you. anything. your really really really ridiculously good looking.

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Comments 7

_daydreamer August 16 2003, 22:11:24 UTC
I didn't tell you but the hottest guy in fucking key west. I know where he works. He talked to me. :)

I promise you my name only comes out 1032342989879234 times in that entry.

Oh and that whole OTHER HALF THING..he's my guy half. you can always be my girl half.

Glad you're happy.


chicklettttt August 16 2003, 22:15:17 UTC
okay. so it comes out three times. but if i delete one of those three times, a part wouldnt make sense now would it. yeah thought so.

stalk him at his job. even if he works someplace you have nothing to do with. like. a urologist. go anyway.

yeah whatever. at least you have half a penis now im jealous. i want half a penis.

hah. i get it. glad you're happy. clever.


chilenocl August 18 2003, 01:40:08 UTC
well i'm very glad, for real


chicklettttt August 18 2003, 20:37:10 UTC
whee =) <3


crazisurferchic August 18 2003, 20:08:02 UTC
Nooooo problem. :) anytime my dear. I got a ton of songs in dis brain-o-mine. lol


chicklettttt August 18 2003, 20:37:57 UTC
i told you i wasnt talking shit. that brain o yours rocks! nice seeing you today love.


anonymous August 30 2003, 18:43:09 UTC
claudia i think i saw that guy again


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