So, um...Happy Valentine's Day everyone?
I so did not totally forget until I saw the note on the door this morning...
And a note:
Yo Hana,
Feel better soon, okay? I'll take the dogs out with me, don't worry about 'em. Happy V-day!
And a note:
Hope it's a good day for you. And that you're not allergic to chocolate or anything 'cause that'd just stink. I tried to find a dog but these bears were all they had, but it's pretty soft anyway. See you later,
[He's going to have to explain those himself.]
Hope everyone's having a good day of it--and thanks to Orihime for the chocolate-covered strawberries, they're awesome good! And Chouji for the chocolate, it's wicked cool.
And Rukia, you totally lied about me getting
extra valentines 'cause of the bruises!