Prison Break 04/04 Eagles and Angels

Sep 15, 2008 21:33

Ah, nothing like hot guys in uniforms. Why Purcell had to drag that hat so far down to shield his eyes is a mystery to me, because that dude just had to crane his neck all the time (and it's not like he was hiding from anyone, Scofield was on the run just as he was, duh, and pretty Michael never pulled the hat down that far). There were probably a couple of empty bottles of Advil in his trashcah at the end of the shoot. Moron.

I'm wondering if they're still filming in Dallas these days.

Scooter is one scary motherfucker. He needs roles like that more often.

I thought it was kind of sad to always have to witness Sara close to some mental breakdown or another. She's a pretty unstable woman, if you ask me (unsterstandibly so, of course, but it's still sad to see). I want her to be strong. I fell in love with her in season one when she was just so pure and pretty, and slightly confused about the random origami turning up left and right. I want that Sara back.

I want to see Michael shirtless, damnit! I'm sure "removing the tattoo" had mostly to do with the uncomfortable-ness of always having to wear long sleeves (especially in this kind of weather heat), but we all know that part of it was the reason that sex sells, and that MIchael Scofield is one sexy dude. So show some chest already, honey!

I have nothing on the plot. Yay for number two being in the bag, so to speak, and ouch for killing someone (even if he was a "bad guy" and discovery would have meant certain death for someone on the team, and NOT MY LINC, OKAY, PEOPLE?). But, honestly, the near misses lately have not been as edge-of-my-couch as I'm used to. Maybe next week will be more "fun."

prison break

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