So I randomly decided to buy a digital camera today.
My old one is still working at the moment but it's been off and on (probably because I've dropped it about 87 times.) And it sucks when taking pics in the dark
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I mean I COULD wear it if I find nothing else... but I have a few other weddings to go to so buying a dress won't be the worst thing. I'm just going to go shopping today and if I find something I like better I'll get it, but I'm not going to go crazy looking for one.
Haha she doesn't really. But she lives in Queens so it's far for her to come out here if we don't have any real plans.
Comments 6
Whyyy does jane hate you?
Haha she doesn't really. But she lives in Queens so it's far for her to come out here if we don't have any real plans.
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