Title: Reminiscing
Genre: Friendship/Romance
Pairing(s): KiKwang/Joon, DongWoon/MIR, past KiWoon
Rating: G
Summary: Thinking on the past
As KiKwang looked over, seeing them staring at each other with love, he could not help but reflect on the past that he had with DongWoon and all the good times they shared. After all, they started out as best friends and then lovers. Reminiscing of the past that was, and never will be again. The days where all that mattered to them was each other. Days where they did nothing but simply spent time with each other, their dates and even their fights. The fun times that they had with each other. He sometimes wondered how things would have gone had they stayed together. However, thinking about it and seeing how happy DongWoon was with MIR, he knew that what had happened was right.
Reminiscing about the past, brought a smile to his face. And it just grew even larger as he felt arms slip around his body.
“What are you thinking about?” asked Joon.
KiKwang however grumbled at him, “You're late” flicking him on the forehead.
“OW! Sorry Kwangie. I lost track of the time and MIR left without me.” Joon said with a pout. “forgive me?”
KiKwang laughed and with a smile said “of course. And I wasn't thinking of much in particular. Just about the past and how much things have changed.”
“Oh. For the better?” asked Joon.
Looking up at Joon and the fear that was in his eyes, KiKwang couldn't help but smile as he turned around to give Joon a hug and said “Of course it was. After all, you're in it aren't you? You and all of my friends. And now, excuse me, while I go and punish the two little buggers for making me feel like a third wheeler” before running off to chase after DongWoon and MIR.
Joon watched as KiKwang ran after them, knowing that there was a past between KiKwang and DongWoon, but trusting in him. He couldn't help but laugh at the sight of the three running around like little kids, before he looked at the time, and realised that they would be late. “Come on, you three. The movie's about to start soon.”
“Oh really?” asked KiKwang, as he checks the time. “AH! We still need to get the tickets!~ Let's go.” rushed KiKwang as he ran to Joon and started to drag him towards the cinema. “Come on you brats!~ I don't have enough arms for the three of you” said KiKwang as he ran. Joon couldn't help but laugh as he ran along with KiKwang as he heard the twin yelps from DongWoon and MIR and he knew that what mattered was the present and not the past.
---Plot bunnies should go and die. This one, wants me to write more scenes. GAH!!! I leave it for a day and it wanted more. But no. This is bad enough. XD Bad dialogue is bad. And cheesy is cheesy. Never again will I fall to the temptation that is fluff... XD Until I learn to write better fluff. Do you hear me?!? LOL