this community is members only. please join to view entries.
my membership request was rejected, how can I get approved?
-you credit all of your icons, including your own. if there's uncredited icons but they're yours, I won't know that.
-if you're using an icon but don't remember the maker, put something stating that so I don't decline you.
-your journal is active-meaning, it hasn't been months since you've updated or your journal is just created.
-if you switched journals or your journal is for graphic purposes only (like mine), comment to let me know (if you're switching usernames, post your old username).
why is this community members only?
-the entries are locked to protect the maker's work.
-membership is moderated so that I can assure our members credit.
have a question? comment this entry and I'll be happy to answer!
if you have any suggestions for this community, we'd love to hear what you have in mind!