My cat would have my hand off in a heartbeat if I so much as I tried to dress him up in anything other than his collar. I've never gotten the obsession with dressing pets up in stupid little costumes. It just looks stupid and, to me, awfully common. Or maybe I'm missing some hidden pet-owner point?
(A point that I'd rather miss because I'd much prefer to drink my own piss for a week than dress my pets up in anything)
I really don't understand the appeal of forcing our poor animals into ridiculous clothing or costumes either, so we're in the same boat honey. It looks awful and, as with your cat, there's the risk of losing a limb if the animal gets scared or angry enough.
Comments 2
(A point that I'd rather miss because I'd much prefer to drink my own piss for a week than dress my pets up in anything)
(And indeed. I agree dear)
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