Since there was a decent amount of interest, here is an official event post for the Woodfield Mall meetup.
Where: Woodfield mall
When: Saturday March 3rd 11 am- ?
I figured we could start off with lunch at The Cheesecake factory but since they don't take reservations and the wait can be horrendous (especially on weekends) I thought we could go at 11 when they open and hopefully miss the crowd. If you've never been there, they have a pretty expansive menu that covers pretty much every price range so if you don't want to spend a lot there are plenty of options in the $10-15 range or you could just come for the cheesecake =D If you decide to skip on lunch we'll be wandering the mall for the rest of the afternoon (sometime after 12:30ish). If you don't have the time to spend all afternoon with us feel free to drop in and leave whenever.
Guests are welcome but keep in mind that space will be limited for lunch so I will probably have to cut off around 10.
There may be a post meetup karaoke session at Ding Dong Dang ( about 15 minutes from the mall) if there is enough interest.
If you plan on coming please respond. Include whether you will be joining us for lunch, if you have guests and how many and whether you are interested in Karaoke.
*karaoke is just a maybe for now. I want to gauge interest because I will probably reserve a room ahead of time and will need an actual head count if we do it.*
needsmorelace Karaoke(tentative):
scenicoverthere +1
yuugenmisslyz Maybe: