Arashi Discovery 2013 08 21

Aug 21, 2013 03:12

Good morning
I'm Ohno Satoshi of Arashi
Today's quote, come on

"The soldier values swiftness."

The way of saying, ne
It was good, the one just now
I have no idea about the meaning though
These words are written in the Chinese history book, "Annals of the Three Kingdoms".
Because in war the delay of an instant becomes a fatal wound, it's essential to attack fast.
It's like that
Hoo, I see
It means a fast judgement, determination, like "Let's go". Yeah

Well, but if I were to talk about such things
Do I have something?
Well, basically I'm fast when deciding something
When I buy clothes
When I bought them a long time ago, I was extremely fast
When I'm drawing, I'm also taking fast decisions like
The color I put in the first time

Until a while ago I was doing oil painting
I have finished the oil painting, ne
Ah, thank you. Thank you very much
So I finished the oil painting
Ummm, on the vertical it has 2 meters and almost 20 [centimeters]
On the horizontal is about 140
Well, it's huge
I brought it in the house
It was difficult in the elevator too
There were only 3 centimeters more
But it got in

Well, I started drawing that since around middle of June
And because I hadn't done before such  things as oil painting
I thought that it's fine to do it in my own way, I thought that because I'm drawing with oil then it's oil painting
I was drawing
And I was steadily adding  colors
And I was making mistakes again
I was thinking that somehow it's unpleasant
I was repeating that

I finished the drama
And I finished it during the morning, the next day after the filming had ended
Somehow while drawing
In my mind I thought "Ah, it's finished"
I, myself, am satisfied

You see, it was the drawing of a child
In the end
Truth is, because it's that huge
I  wanted to draw a full-length portrait painting
But I thought that instead of drawing the whole body on such a huge canvas
It has more impact to draw just the face
In a hurry I changed it
It also has glasses
It's like it can also be seen as a boy, but also as a girl
But it doesn't have such a thing as a title

That's why ne, I have it at home all the time
I'm always gazing at it
So I look at it while drinking a little liquor
Lately I'm doing such things
Gloomy, ne (laughs)
To that extent?
I was able to make time for myself to that extent
Someday I'll show it to you

That's all, it has been Ohno Satoshi!


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