[One-Shot]: Where The Hell is Shoon?!

Jan 22, 2010 03:03

[One-Shot]: Where The Hell is Shoon?!
Title: Where the Hell is Shoon?! (a.k.a. Prompt #66: 5 Times Yabu missed Ya-Ya-yah, +1 time he really loved being in JUMP)
Author: chii_loves_me
Pairing: Yabu-centric
Words: 1450
Genre: Humor
Summary: Yabu starts to miss Ya-Ya-yah, and JUMP only makes him even more miserable. For the Yabu-thon.

A gift to shiyu_hanaoka. Here's what you've been waiting for. xD. After reading, you might wonder how the title is connected. Well, it’s not. xD Feel free to comment! ♥

•1• Smiles Through Stupidity

“Hey guys!” Taiyou greeted his three co-stars who sat on the floor playing Snakes and Ladders. He walked in and closed the door behind him. He sat down next to Yabu.

Shoon turned to him. “Taiyou, did you remember to get my phone?”

Earlier, Shoon asked Taiyou to bring him his phone which he left in his dressing room. Taiyou apparently forgot. He slapped his palm on his forehead.

“Oh, right! Sorry! Lemme get it!” He rushed to the door. He pushed it, but it wouldn’t budge. He tried again. No luck. He got nervous.

“Okay, nobody panic…“ Taiyou told the three. He turned around slowly to see three perplexed faces.

“What is it, Taiyou?” Yabu asked.

Taiyou stuttered, "I-I - …"

“Just spit it out,” Hikaru said as he rolled the dice.

“O-Okay! I… locked us in! I didn’t mean to! I’m so sorry! Maybe you guys could call someone outside- - “

“You did WHAT?!” They shouted in unison. Taiyou shielded his face with his arms.

“I don’t have a phone yet!” said Yabu. “And I know Hikaru doesn’t have one too!”

Shoon stood up and ran towards the door. “How did you manage to lock us in?! The lock’s supposed to be--” he turned the knob and stopped as the door swung open.


“Idiot, it wasn’t even locked!” Yabu hit Taiyou on the back of his head.

With a surprised face, the tall guy reacted, “Eh--?! Really? But it wouldn’t open!”

Hikaru walked over to Shoon and swung the door back and forth. “That’s coz it’s a pull, Taiyou! Pull! Not push!”

Yabu called him an idiot again. They all laughed.

~End Flashback~

Yuto tried on a costume that he was going to wear for a performance on Shounen Club. He turned to Yabu and asked, “What do you think?”

Yabu laughed and said, “You’re such an idiot, Yuto. It’s backwards,” Yuto looked a bit annoyed. He removed the costume.

“No need to call me an idiot. Jeez,” he stormed out.

Yabu muttered. “It was only a joke, Taiyou wouldn’t have minded,”

•2• What Do You Miss, Hikaru?

Yabu stared out the window, zoning out. He held two different scripts in his hands. He ran through what he had to do: polish dance steps with Chinen, pick out a layout for the Hi!Hey!Say! stage, tape a scene later for SC and rehearse for the LS performance. He sighed deeply.

“What’s up, boss?”

Hikaru sat beside him, taking the scripts in his hands.

“Nothing, just… thinking,”

Hikaru smiled, “I wish we could go back… When times were simpler and you didn’t have to bother with this much,”

Yabu smiled back. He wasn’t alone.

•3• Caramel Popcorn

Inoo, Takaki, Daiki and Yuto sat excitedly in front of the TV in Hikaru’s dressing room. Shoon stood in the corner, helping Hikaru pour caramel popcorn into a bowl.

A few minutes later, Yabu passed by while reading his script. Yet again, Johnny put too much on his plate. And he had to finish it today. Why does he like to overwork me? he thought. “He’s a stupid, fat, annoying-“

“Yabu-kun, wanna join?” invited Inoo.

The invitation stopped his train of thought. Intrigued and slightly annoyed, he peered inside.

“Lion King and caramel popcorn?” he said, “That is soooo Ya-Ya-yah,”

Inoo smiled and said, “I know,”

Yabu smiled back so hard that his eyes disappeared. “Move over,” he said, and put himself between Hikaru and Shoon. He took the bowl of popcorn from Shoon and popped some in his mouth. He threw his script behind him and with it, all his worries.

•4• RUN!

“I can’t believe you talked me into this,” said Inoo as he pushed his sweaty bangs away from his eyes. They crouched behind a stack of mattresses. “You think we’ll be safe?” he asked Yabu.

He whispered back, “Positive. If I know Hikaru, he wouldn’t even think of going this way,”

Inoo wasn’t convinced. They heard footsteps. They stayed stock-still before Inoo whispered to Yabu, ”Well, I guess he knows you better,”

“Let’s make a run for it!” Yabu screamed and tumbled over the mattresses. They both screamed and flailed their arms as Hikaru-oni chased them down the hall.

•5• Omedeto

“Happy Birthday to you!”

“Make a wish Yabu-kun,” said Hikaru.

Yabu looked into the JUMP member’s faces and smiled as he leaned down. Closing his eyes, he blew the candles out.

“What did you wish for, Yabu?”

Yabu looked up, but instead of seeing JUMP, he saw a young Hikaru with a young Shoon. Young Taiyou stood next to them smiling widely. He looked at himself and realized that he looked younger, too. His eyesight became blurred with tears.

Young Hikaru walked over to him, “What’s wrong, Yabu-kun?” he asked.

He hid his crying face in his hands.

“Kota,” Hikaru whispered.

Yabu looked up to a 19-year old Hikaru, face flushed with concern. He looked behind his best friend to see the faces of eight strangers staring back at him.

“It’s okay Kou-chan, I’m here,” Hikaru hugged him as he blinked back his tears.

•+1 time•

Yabu stared at the SC stage, a pen in his hand. He visualized the new costume that he was asked to come up with and drew what he saw in his mind onto the notepad on his lap. He couldn’t concentrate. Recently, he had been flooded with memories of Ya-Ya-yah. He felt so depressed. He was thinking of Shoon when suddenly, he heard a loud bang.

“There he is! GET HIM!”

Hikaru pointed at him with a long orange balloon, a maniacal gleam in his eyes.

“Hey! What--?” Takaki and Keito grabbed him from behind. Keito helped the other heave Yabu over his shoulder.

“Where are you taking me?! Put me DOWN!” Takaki and Keito ran to the exit. Hikaru stood at the exit, brandishing his balloon as if leading a charge while shouting, “Huzzah!” Yabu passed by him, and Hikaru grinned so wide that his eyes disappeared.

“Let me goooooooooo!”

Takaki and Keito ran and a little while later, Daiki came from out of nowhere and slid a blindfold over Yabu’s eyes.

“Oi! What the--?!”

“Sorry Yabu! Boss’s orders,” and he disappeared. Takaki kept running even if Yabu flailed and hit him with his huge notepad. He neared the spot where Yamada and Chinen stood on high chairs on opposite sides of the narrow hallway. Just then, Yabu felt the notepad and pen disappear from his grip.

“Now what?” Yabu yelled in exasperation.

Yamada giggled and said, ”You won’t be-“

“-needing this-“ continued Chinen.

“-where you’re going!” they both finished.

Takaki turned a corner and laid Yabu on an easy chair. Yuto came in seconds and tied Yabu on the chair, with the elder screaming all the way. Yuto finished and called Inoo.

“Inoo-chan, hurry!” The pretty boy came rushing to the chair and tied balloons on it. He hung a banner on Yabu’s two shoulders.

“Yay! Hikaru!” he called, ”The finishing touch, please!”

At the mention of his best friend’s name, Yabu stopped screaming and calmed down. Then he felt something rather heavy being laid on the top of his head.

“Hikaru, please,” he begged, “Tell me what’s going on,”

“Just promise me that you won’t remove what we put on you and you won’t try to run at the first chance you get,” he answered with a smile on his face.

Yabu nodded vigorously, “Yes! What is it?! Please!”

The rest of JUMP laughed.

“It’s safe now, ne?” He heard Inoo say. He felt the ropes being removed.

“Okay! BEST minus Yabu and me plus Keito! Heave him up!” Hikaru commanded.

Yabu felt the chair being lifted up. Whoever carried him was moving. He almost lost it.

“Someone better give me some answers NOW!” he demanded. Ryutaro answered him, “We will. Jeez, can’t you wait?” and removed his blindfold.

He was in the dance studio, sitting on an easy chair which Takaki, Daiki, Inoo and Keito carried. Three balloons were tied to the chair. Printed on it were the words: We love you on each balloon. The banner which hung from his shoulders read: Yabu is our King! With the subtitle, “We love our Yabu-mama!”

He touched the thing on his head since he couldn’t see it in the mirror. He laughed. It was a crown. He looked down into the faces of his bandmates. So that’s what this is, he thought.

“All right! Now, time to go around the whole Jimusho!” With that, Hikaru led them forward.

Yabu was speechless. But he still managed to whisper.

“Thank you guys…”


I hope you guys like to put up with the crap I post. m( _ _ )m


Aaaaaand.... Does anybody remember Onigokko?! xD i so love those eps.
btw. If anyone would be wondering what a Hikaru-oni is (since some people don't know. lol), watch this first. But i really doubt that anyone here would not know that. xD

type: one-shot, fic, g: ya-ya-yah, g: hey!say! jump, fic prompt

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