mmkay so yeah, i highly doubt any bandos at MC have an LJ, buuut i didnt wanna post this on FB... too long to... anyways, next week is the band tourney for my school, buuttt like i totally got this like perfect and like total kick ass plan while on the bus earlier coming back from another tourney.....
soooo like our theme this year for our field show is snake, so like i totally had like this most coolio plan ever to like make a huge snake..... but like then i was like "thats not at all that coolio" and i totally decided to make a huge, big ass cake that im gonna make to look like a big snake.... well how is this so awesome, do you ask? ITS GONNA FEED THE ENTIRE FUCKIN MARCHING BAND THATS WHAT!!!! THATS OVER 150 BANDOS!!!! HELLZ FUCKIN YEAHHHH!!! im not even kidding peoples, THERE'S GONNA BE OVER THREE FEET OF CAKE AND EVERYONE IS GONNA HAVE SOME thats gonna be fun XDD
anyways, im being completely serious about this, and to the bandos who actually bother clicking the link on fb, then tell all the other bandos at mc who dont wanna click the link.... buuut there's several problems to my idea....
- i absolutely dont have enough money to pay for the entire thing..... and thats gonna be a helluva lot of cake stuff that i need to get, so if people can like totally pitch in money then thatd totally help
- the cake is going to be huge, and a van w/o back seats is going to be needed to transport the cake from my house, to MC
- would some people want to help me make the actual cake?
so yeah, thats basically it, and i might just do it for arcadia or for the ride to fiesta bowl... i dont know yet, but itd be cool to do this for the MC tourney.
if your interested in this, just find me during school/band, and just talk to me if you want to do this. i think itd be really really cool to do this. or if you dont exactly know who to talk to, email at and just put subject as snake cake, and i'll read it, and reply..... if i can get everything sorted by tuesday, then i'll do the cakes, but if not, then i'll do it for another tourney.hopefully, i can get it organized and planned in time... mmkay well.... hmmmm did i leave anything else out... hmmm ... i dont think so... so yeah, talk to all of you guys later, and make up your mind because i really would like to do this, and so do other people who ive already told.... mmkay byez people!
-thuy aka, chiiwaisjinxi
p.s. color guard people, if you want to be part this too, then just do the same thing, and tell me that you're in guard
edit!!!!: i know its a bit last minute, sorry but i just thought of this on the way home XDDD.... personally, i would rather choose another tourney to do this for, since this is totally last minute, buuuut yeah, if enough people want to do it this week, then im all for it