I'mma cut this into two sections...The people that care about the whole trip and the people that care only about the concert itself ^^
Monday 2nd Feb 2009
Charlotte and I woke up at 7am to be ready for when Maria came over at 8 so we could head on up to London for the concert. I had a look outside and actually squealed at the snow! It was the heaviest snow in England for something like 20 years! XD
We got dressed, packed a few things and then Maria turned up...By that time we'd realised the trains were fucked and decided to build a snowman! So, digging extra snow out of the back alley, we got started -after a quick snowball fight with my little brother- and a few lols at the icicle hanging from our gutter. Building the snowman failed a little, we all got bored before we'd even made a foot high pile of snow XD
Deciding it was too cold to play in the snow anymore, I went inside and checked the trains, there seemed to be a small glimmer of hope so we rushed around, packing everything we could think of and getting the suitcases down the stairs. Maria had to go back home to get her passport so Chao and I met her at the train station. It was fun dragging the suitcases through the snow, which was too high for the wheels to cover. Chao had a brain fart and we walked most of the way to the trainstation in the middle of the road where the cars had flattened the snow.
Hopping on the first train that came into Lancing station, we made it without too much incident to Brighton. We tried several places in hopes of finding a taxi to take us to London -at this point we were so desperate to get there we were willing to pay anything- but found nothing useful so decided to burn a little time and go get McDonalds for breakfast XD
So after sitting in Churchill Square for about an hour, trying various friends and family to see if anyone could give us a lift, we found out that there were trains running as far as Gatwick Airport. Heading back to the trainstation, we brought open return tickets and found the platform, visibly bouncing with excitement as the train pulled into the station. The train journey was pretty uneventful, many pictures of Aiji, much munching of the men learning Maria's message tone off by heart and breaking rocks against the train *nodnod*
Dragging everything off at the Airport, Chao decided she wanted the loo, so we went up into the airport, found the toilets and went back down again...Onto the wrong platform. So we went back up, found the right set of lifts to go down and the HUGE crowd waiting to get to the same place. In all we were at Gatwick for a good hour before we managed to get onto the platform then on an express train to Victoria.
After about half an hour of staring out the window at at least a foots worth of snow, we pulled into Victoria station and joined the mass of people heading to the exit. Faffing a bit with money and deciding how to get to the hostel, we decided to take a taxi and joined the queue. The ride was a lot shorter than I had expected, I checked into the dorm room I'd booked for Yuki -who was stuck in Norway- and we dumped our suitcases and everything we didn't need in there then headed to the venue!
As soon as we arrived, we were met by the other campers that had already been there since morning. It was about 5pm at this point and we'd started travelling at about 10am, so getting to London took about 6 hours and around London about an hour, including the stop at the hostel. We must have been sitting around for a good three hours before Chao and I decided to go to Sainsburys down the road and get some snacks for everyone.
We were just about to pay when some of the others came in and we went round the whole store again, finding someone had been around the entire shop moving random items to completely irrelevant places in the store. Like the dog treats in with the cheese strings...So after paying and heading back with a load of sweets and cakes and shite and bedding down for a little while, Chao and I got restless again and went for a walk, around and around the venue about eight times during the course of the night.
The pair of us also made it to McDonalds, some convenience store where we brought pussy to try and down to this funky bridge over the river going through Camden. There were a few strange blokes that kept coming to talk to us...One of them grabbed hold of me at one point, that freaked me out so much! Maria saved me and told him to fuck off, we were all pretty glad when he did *nodnod*
It got to about 11 and we were joined by a new temporary camper, she went to stay in a hostel not too far away. I forget much of what happened next, til Kat turned up and started talking about the other concerts she'd been to. After a while she went off too and it was just the 7 of us again. Maria was reading her book comfortably between two or three of the others and I basically patrolled for the whole night, randomly stopping and sitting before getting up and doing something again.
Several times during the night we were checked on by police, which was pretty reassuring, it got to something like 3am before we were bugged by more idiots. Someone had left a football close to us and we'd claimed it, so when someone decided to come along and try and nick it, we all got pretty pissy. There was a nice bloke around who told the idiot who kicked our ball over the road at the tube station to go get it and leave us alone...I'm not sure what happened to either of them but they didn't stay around for longer than an hour.
Also, at some point, the suicidal snowman we affectionately nicknamed Kaoru -it had a penis and moobs- did actually commit suicide. We were all sad to see him die, especially when he splattered against the floor so forcefully.
So it got brighter, some police stopped and came to ask us if we were okay. Because Maria and I were the only ones awake, we had to give them our names and addresses but its all good ^^ not too long after we were all sat, pretty dazed and stupid lookin', when some other police came round and told us we couldn't stay there any longer. We were pretty annoyed at that, especially when we were told to go to McDonalds which didn't open til 6.30 or something ridiculous.
While we were packing stuff up, what should come round the corner but the LM.C tour bus! We all dropped everything and waved at the bus, watching as it tried to reverse down a one way street and trying not to laugh. Eventually the bus went up and round, coming back around and speeding off in a different direction to re-enter the side street in the right direction. We decided it must have got lost because it didn't reappear for a good few minutes, so we cheered when they actually made it down the road then buggered off to McDonalds to get some hot food.
Tuesday 3rd Feb 2009
During the morning I managed to work out I'd left my toothbrush at home -being in the overtired state I was in, this was hugely depressing, especially as it was 8.30am and Nangode and I couldn't find anywhere that was open so I could buy a toothbrush! D8 I actually cried over a toothbrush, it sounds stupid now but I was that tired even the smallest most dumbest thing made me cry.
Managing to find one, I went back to the hostel to clean my teeth and Nangode headed back to Camden. I found out I had huge holes in my socks and had to change them as well so I ended up being away from the venue for about an hour in total. More people had arrived by the time I'd gotten back so it was fun to introduce myself to them!
I must have gone back to the hostel so many times that day, taking different people with me to do various things, as well as going shopping several times with random people. While we were stood in Camden, some time around late morning/early afternoon we spotted Maya and Aiji at the other end of the street, Maya was taking photos on his mobile. Aiji quickly realised a whole load of us were watching them and waved, we waved back! Then they disappeared again and I saw Yuki on the other side of the road.
There were lots of hugs! Yuki and I haven't had much of a steady friendship recently so it was nice to see her at such a positive time for both of us! Marthe and I also had lots of hugs! And I got to meet Julie as well! What I wasn't expecting was my waifu to sprint across the road about 5 minutes after they appeared, I was totally shocked and started crying again! I told them off for not telling me but I really didn't care! Murmel and I had lots of hugs too, it's been four months since I last saw her so it was really nice for me <3
They went off to get changed, while Chao, Maria and I were busy sorting out getting the sign book started. I don't think I've ever spazzed so much about water dripping on something as I did with that book XD We managed to cover loads of people relatively quickly, Chao went off to go get changed while Maria and I continued with the book, and taking lots of photos! We eventually left the book in the hands of some of the backrunners so they could get people behind them to sign too and went to get changed at about 4pm.
Back at the hostel, we were all buzzing as we changed and got sorted. We were back outside the venue for six, I went hunting madly for my book, freaking out after it remained unfindable for a few minutes. Then discovering Nangode had it, I was happy again! They'd left me a few pages at the back so I could write what I wanted to in the back.
I went to sit in a corner away from the drips to write my message, before being called into the 'line' and having to finish off writing there. Chao, Maria and I worked as a team to cover all the inside pages with heart and star stickers as the queue grew more excited and anxious to get inside. We finished in the nick of time, I managed to shove the useable stickers in my socks and got my ticket ready for when the doors opened.
I got into the venue and got in the front besides Chao >3< unfortunately the other side of me was one of the three or four that decided it was okay to bypass those that had stayed all night and gotten into the venue first. We made ourselves comfortable...Or as comfortable as you could get with someone's elbow in your ribs continuously...
We chanted 'Rock the LM.C' a few hundred times...Those hardcore fans were 'Locking' instead XD Then people cheered for the tech guy that came out to do last minute checks of the equipment before some staff-san took the mic and told us a little story.
He said that when Maya and Aiji had found out about the horrible weather in London, they said there was no way they'd cancel on us because they'd been looking forward to playing here for about six months. I nearly cried right there with happiness, was even closer when he said that they'd promised to swim from France if they needed to. Then he explained that the show was being recorded and photos were being taken all the way through, then asked us not to take photos or film our own material.
He disappeared pretty fast and we started chanting again, the chanting turned to cheers as the support members appeared, quickly followed by Aiji and then Maya. Oh My God I could have died of happiness right then. Denki Man bashed the CKT gong a few times before the others got going, then we were full swing into the gig!
The room literally exploded with music, I know for a fact that 90% of the front row knew every single word to CKT, Aiji seemed to notice the fact that we were all singing along with Maya through the entire song. Maya's antics were extremely amusing, I'm not quite sure which song it was in but he turned around to face Death-O and wriggled his butt at us XD it was most amusing.
Was also fun when he lost the set list and was looking around frantically for it before finding it on the pillar at the right hand side (audiences right hand side) of the stage. I think after that he teased us a little with some really cute english >3<
The further we go into the show the more my attention drifted to Aiji...I know it's cheesy when people say they got eyecontact from the members etc, but everytime he looked at me and saw I was singing along, he smiled and inclined his head just a tiny bit before looking away. I couldn't help but smile back at him, at one point he came and played right in front of me, it was amazing to see him play so closely, I couldn't resist stroking his hand a couple of times, but at the same time I had to swipe someone's hand off his thigh from where they'd grabbed him and refused to let go.
>_< it annoys me when people do stuff like that. He moved away from that spot pretty fast after I got the girl to let go...Maya knocked over his stack of lollies, and threw water all over the place, drenching his camera at the same time *pats his head* it was fun watching the staff-san run around picking all the lollies back up and putting them back in the stand XD
Maya dabbed his camera off with a towel pretty soon after and grabbed his cheat sheet, I got a look at it, it had English and then Japanese underneath so he knew what he was actually saying, which I thought was adorable <3 As well as the cheat sheet he located himself a translator, it was nice that he could express himself! But I'm glad that he didn't overly rely on her, his english was way too cute!
Several times Maya worked his way left to right (audiences left to right) slapping people's hands. One song he pinky linked a few people too and was handing bottles of water out to people in the front row when they needed it. He gave one to Mimo and Mana I think, both of them must have been even more squished than I was because they were right in the middle in front of him. o.o
After a few more songs, we got a short MC, Maya was teasing Aiji in Japanese I'm sure of it XD then Aiji said a few things to us in English, his voice is seriously awesome... o.O They moved off into some more songs, I got a good look at the really REALLY cute looking keyboardist and the scary face-pubed bassist during this part. Aiji came back round to my side, I got another quick smile off him before he turned his gaze further back, staring out towards the people out in the back.
Denki Man came down onto the main stage a few times and danced along with Maya, giving us hand dances to do and generally making it good fun. He did his thing during METALLY and I think JOKER as well...And at some point he went crowd surfing...Though he didn't go very far and Maya was laughing as he grabbed hold of him and pulled him back onstage! XD
When they played YELLOW BEAUTY everyone in the front row was basically still for the entire verses, we all danced for the chorus' and then fell still again, though I'm sure everyone was singing still. At one point...Not sure which song or anything, Chao was close to crying and I gave her a quick hug! <3
For someone that doesn't like OH MY JULIET., I have to say it was pretty neat, especially when Maya grabbed Murmel's hand as he sang 'Oh my Juliet' >3< He better not be making moves on my waifu, I wont be a happy bunny XD anyway, we got round to ROCK THE LM.C and Maya made us chant again, we did so happily, as we urged us on, making us sing it faster and faster until we just started cheering again. Then as it started playing we started chanting again, then those that knew the words sang along. It finished faster than I'd hoped...which made me sad.
We got another mini MC at some point around here before Maya got us to sing the opening to 88 on our own. I was glad I knew all the words, it made me more confident singing them without Maya's guidance. We all sang as many of the words as we knew, Maya was happy that he could hear his lyrics coming from us! His eyes told us so! He took over singing and we all continued to sing along.
I don't remember how many more songs they did before they took a two/three minute break before the encore. Aiji threw out his picks and they disappeared. The staff-san came onstage, took the mic and asked people to stop pushing us in the front, no one listened...I was already in so much pain ;____; the stage came 3/4 of the way up my thighs, it's two days later and they've bruised nicely from the immense pressure from behind. I screamed at people behind me at one point 'you're not going to get any closer by shoving, quit killing me.' which didn't work either >.>
Anyway, we did the 'encore' thing like the Japanese pronounce it and they came back out, launching straight into JOHN. The whole building bounced with hyperactive Maya and Denki Man dancing together Aiji and the support members bounced around a bit too, which I still think was adorable! After JOHN we got BOYS&GIRLS! Maya got the guys to shout, including everyone on stage, then the girls to shout, then back and forth a few times til he was satisfied everyone had screamed enough XD Everyone knew this was the last song and made an extra special effort to sing as loud and as clearly as they could.
Then it was over...Aiji threw out the last of his picks, waved to a few people at the back then grabbed mine and someone else's hands and moved backwards, almost as if he wanted to pull us onto the stage XD He let go and moved away, wiping his face on a towel as they were about ready to disappear offstage. I decided then that I wanted to give him the sign book RIGHT THERE, grabbed it, held it out to him and shouted his name countless times.
Sooooo many people were calling for him, I don't think he realised I was holding the book out for him and just took the name shouting as something fans normally do at the end of the gig. Maya was busy playing with the fans on the other side of the stage, so Aiji was my only hope. He turned around and spotted it, came over and took it. He smiled!!! *dies a little* He flicked it open and smiled...Then showed Maya, who kissed it and held it up for everyone to see before tucking it under his arm.
I dunno how long he carried it around for, but it ended up on top of the amp, one of the staff-san picked it up though, so I'm glad it didn't get left behind. They went offstage to get ready for the meet and greet. We were told it would be 15-20 minutes, which gave us enough time to go nab some merch. I got the heart tee, the poster and the two pin badges for £40 >3< then we went and got some much needed water!! and joined the queue for the shake hand event! <3
It didn't take as long as I expected to get to them, we were up the stairs pretty quickly and before I knew it I was standing in front of Aiji, holding his beautifully soft hand and thanking him so much for coming. I told him I appreciated them coming and he seemed really happy about it. I was going to say something else but I got pushed along to Maya by one of the staff. Stayed there a bit too long as well and had to be guided away, just as I was about to ask him for a hug XD
Got my signed picture and waited for my friends before we headed up the stairs. We waited outside the bus for a little while before more people showed up. Yuki and I decided we didn't want to wait around incase they started screaming at LM.C and went back to the hostel. We managed to get the wrong underground, but I was too ditzy to care XD
Anyone from England that watched BIG BROTHER HIJACK or whatever it was called...I saw Liam on the underground and giggled...Actually, I giggled a lot...An awful lot...I was stupidly excited XD Anyway, we made it back to the hostel, I got changed and we had to go back to Kings Cross to pick up Chao, say goodnight to the others that had hung around after the gig and went back to the hostel again.
I only realised when we got back the second time that where I'd thrown water down myself in my haste to rehydrate in all that pressure, I'd managed to remove half the makeup around my mouth, leaving a nice white mark XD if Maya and Aiji noticed that they must have thought I was a complete weirdo~
So then we went to bed and that was the end of the LM.C gig. They probably stayed the night in London and headed over to Germany at some stupid hour of the morning, poor guys.