Title: Taste Like a Chocolate (One Shot)
chika1611Pairing: Katou Shigeaki X OC (Chika)
Rating: Fluff!! XD *dies*
Summary: She smelled like chocolate, Shige thought.
Warning: Unbetaed! Please~ someone be my beta~!! *puppy eyes attack*
Woof woof!
Shige groaned slightly as he roll to the other side of the bed.
Woof woof!
Again, he groaned. This time he covered his head with pillow.
Woof woof!
"Nana, stop barking! Shut the hell up, will you?" he said when he heard another bark from his dog.
With that sentence Nana did stopped barking, Shige smirked inwardly. But then he felt something heavy on his stomach.
"Argh! What the...?" He putted the pillow aside only to see Nana sat on his stomach while giving him a puppy dog eyes. He sighed, he knew that once Nana gave him that look it means he couldn't do anything again.
"Okay, okay! I'm up now, happy?" Nana replied with her lovely bark. Shige then slowly got down from the bed and he glanced at the clock on the bed-side table. It showed 9.30am in the morning.
Thank goodness that no work for us today. He thought as he make a way to the bathroom
10 minutes later, Shige already fresh up. He changed his pajama with his casual clothes and then went to the kitchen to make some coffee and breakfast for himself and for Nana too. He stopped in front of the kitchen when he saw Chika, his girlfriend in the kitchen, wearing his stripped pattern blue apron, making breakfast.
"Ah, Shige. Good morning!" Chika greeted him with the oh-so-cute-yet-so-bright-smile of her (well, only in Shige's mind). Shige looked at her from up to toe. She wore a light blue T-shirt and white jeans, it looks really good on her, Shige thought.
"Good morning to you too, babe." Shige said as he kissed her on the lips and wrapped his arm on her waist. "When did you came? I was surprised to see you on the kitchen, making breakfast for me. Again."
"I came here a hour ago, when you're still on your dream land. And I love making breakfast for you, you knew that didn't you?"
"You could just wake me up so Nana wouldn't have to wake me with her bark."
"Actually I'm the one who told her to wake you up, since it's already 9am. Now why don't you just sit and wait for the breakfast? It would be ready in a minute." With that she kissed him on the cheek and release his hug. Shige obediently sat at the table and drink the coffee that Chika prepared earlier.
They had done eating breakfast and now they're cuddling on the couch while watching movies. Shige looked at Chika. She smelled like chocolate today, he thought. Chika realized that her boyfriend stare at her. "What's wrong, Shige? Is there something on my face?"
"No, it's just.... you're smell like chocolate today."
"Really?" Shige just nodded his head. She giggled before she dug something out from her bag.
"Well, that's because I made this for you before coming here." She said as she gave her a box of chocolate to him.
"Eh? Chocolate...?"
"Yup, a hand-made chocolate. Don't tell me that you forgot what today it is."
Shige looked at the calendar, and then realized that today is February 14th. And that means today is Valentine Day. He smacked himself inwardly. How could I forgot this day? Stupid me!
"Well... yeah, I sort of forgot. But... thank you for the chocolate." He said as he opened the box and took out the chocolate and then eat it.
"Umm... actually, it's my first time make a chocolate. I even asked Rina-chan to teach me how to make it." She said while blushing at the fact.
"It's delicious." Shige said after the took a last bite of the chocolate.
"Hontou?" Shige nodded, and he smiled when Chika gave a relieve smile. He couldn't resist the urge to kiss her, and in a flash he kissed her passionately.
"You taste like a chocolate." Chika said after they broke up the kiss. Shige chuckled while brushing her cheek with his hand.
"Well then, would you like to taste it again?"
"With pleasure." And then they kissed again, with much more passion in it.
A/N: Okay... once again I edited my posted-fic. Well... kick me or brick me. I only make a little change, hope it didn't disturb the story. *sweats*
Well... I am working on my another fic, but it won't be post now since I'd face final test for the 2nd term next month. I'm sorry
princess_ai_a a.k.a Nabilah!! I make you waiting your b-day fic for so long. Please wait a little longer ne? Kick me or brick me if you want!! *bows deeply*