brotcg Name: Chikky
Card Count 357
Card Worth 362
Currently collecting
Stray Ikuto 10/15
Panther Grimmjow 9/15
Trash Ulquiorra 13/15
Future Decks;
Trade Pile
Member Cards
Special Cards
Reserved/on hold for me
lucathia_rykatu Card Post has Creepy05/06, Reject13, Temper10/14, and Zangetsu13.
databomb has green10.
Old Logs Mastered Post Logs:
afrocountry edo01 and membercard for wine10/13 and membercard.
mongoosehwrs ditzy10, napolean09, ninja15 and membercard for feathers06, photos11, zangetsu08 and membercard.
chatiel membercards.
enfacade memories06 and membercard for reject03 and membercard.
gravity_xx dinosaur04 and membercard for stray03 and membercard.
Mastered Bathhouse and obtained wine03, yellow ticket, poison01, pika05, dye05.
Obtained dornkiste01, shaolin02, chores08, submissive13, answer02, pacifist05 from freebies23,24,25.
Obtained mayora10, selece14, hypnosis02, attention01, astronomy11 from number luck23,24,25.
Obtained lionheart05, puppet02, turtles01, cryptic13, immortal10, prosecutor08, mew13, riceball15 from vital region23+24.
Obtained stry07, tono03/15, zangetsu15 from card kitchen.
Obtained signs02, pollyanna12, rat12 from nozomis pinky search07.
nyarmar dorkniste01, hypnosis02, sensei09/14 for beast06, beloved06, digger07, zangetsu01.
frickbiscuits lionheart05 and mayora10 for feathers09/10.
Level 4~ Obtained trash10, guerrilla05, pika04, gar15.
Mastered membercards and wine, obtained yellow ticket, ecstasy01, boxer06, popular02, turtles09, trident15, dependant07.
Obtained amulet06 from number luck26.
Obtained shallow01, luck09, answer09, insanity05 from freebies26.
February 05,2010 Traded
nyarmar amulet06 and boxer06 for feathers02 and iselia14.
Obtained coffee02, naive05, suther04, nosebleed01, shenhu06, trident01, seventh02, manager12, desperado04, skimpy07, astronomy07, blindfold03 from freebie rounds27/28/29/30.
Obtained a yellow ticket from Give Nobody a Heart.
enfacade bl@ster05/13, pollyanna12 for 6909, hypnosis07, and panther12.
Obtained piano08, journal15, bombs10, trim03, danaan01 from number luck rounds 27/28/29.
thano pervert10 and reindeer07 for revolt13.
Obtained awaken06, valkyrie06, katsurap13, shenhu14, steiner03, kuma14, clarinet13, memories02, poison03, ciassu11, sigmund07, assist14 from vital region rounds 26/27.