Once again, I have been SO busy since I last posted!!
But, I come bearing photos, so that makes it ALL ok ;-)
Family photo
Ok, so updates - I'm just copying all these from a mass email I sent out to the family and friends on Friday last week, cos I'm just a horrible impersonal person!! So I apologise in advance if its out of date already :-p
Samantha: hrmmmm…. Not too much new with Sam at the moment… She’s almost 3! It hardly seems possible really! In just over 2 months she’ll be 3! She’s still going to preschool 3 mornings a week, and still loving it! When she’s 3 she’ll be moving closer to home to the Green Preschool (that one is from 3-5 years, she’s at the Yellow Preschool at the moment, which is 18months-3 years) and I’ll probably up her mornings from 3-4 a week. She’ll be stopping going to swimming lessons after this term tho, as she’s gone from the classes with Chris in the pool with her, to not having one of us in there, and the price jumped to more than double… and we couldn’t afford to have 2 in swimming lessons if it was going to be that much, so she’ll hopefully go to preschool on Wednesday instead of Friday, and she can just come along to LLL meetings with us until she goes to the other preschool. She’s got a wonderful imagination, and thankfully has stopped her Wiggles bender that seemed to go on for a few months…. I know most of the songs off by heart! My favourite Wiggle is Anthony - he likes fruit salad don’t ya know? (he’s the blue wiggle ;) )
Morgan: Some will know, some won’t, but he’s now 10 months, and he’s been walking since he was just about 8 months. He’s very busy! Just like Sam was (and still is!) He has no time to sit down and do things slowly, he has to do them NOW and nothing else will do! He’s got 7 teeth, and looks like he has his top eye teeth on the way too. We don’t like teeth! He has just dropped down to one day sleep - something else he has in common with Sam - she didn’t like to sleep either! I’ve just re-read The No Cry Sleep Solution (by Elizabeth Pantley - one of my favourite people at the moment!) and have moved him into his own room in the last week and a half - into a big bed, cos he hardly slept in the cot anyway, and this way I can go and lay in bed with him and feed him - I’ve managed to fall asleep in his bed probably 7 of the 10 days he’s been in there - its very comfy! :D Two nights ago, he had his first night since about 4 months, that he slept in his own bed all night, and only woke up once! It was pure bliss! He didn’t wake up until 7.30!!!! And I only spent an hour in his bed - I woke up, he was sound asleep, so I climbed over the barrier and went back to my own bed Not such a great night so far tonight - he’s woken up twice so far, but he grabbed Sam’s pigtails tonight before the bath, and they both fell into the computer table and he’s got a big nasty bump on his head, and I think his teeth are moving. But he fell back to sleep cuddling Patrick (his little Irish boy dolly that his Nana brought back from Ireland), not cuddling me, or feeding, so I have hopes of a peaceful night tonight!
Me: I’m now the Editor of the Dunedin Home Birth Association’s magazine ‘Positive Birth Dunedin’, I’ve just put out my second issue, and have been getting really positive feedback! I’ve also taken over quite a bit of the co-ordinator’s duties for now, so I’m kept very busy with HBA things - I have a social meeting on Tuesday, and then I have a business meeting here next Monday night. I’m just about to become a Leader Applicant with La Leche League, and went to a chapter meeting this morning, and have a LA session next Saturday afternoon! I seem to have LLL things 3 out of 4 mornings a month now. I’m so glad I don’t have a paying job too - I just don’t have the time, between the activities with the kids and HBA and LLL! (are you all nicely confused with the abbreviations yet? :D ) And for World Breastfeeding Week, Jami (friend and LLL leader) and I will be doing a workshop about tandem breastfeeding - she was going to do it herself, but as I’ve been tandem feeding slightly longer than she has, she said I should come and help - who am I to say no? :D
Impersonal stuff over! :-)
And here is a picture of Morgan in his big boys PJs - he just looks SO grown up!! It was the best attempt at taking a picture of him while I was lying in bed and he was lunging for the camera - so its not the best really!
And one of his amazing eyes!! I love his eyes!! :D
Oh, and something else so cute - he LOVES singing and dancing - dancing especially. He has started rocking back and forth when he wants me to sing 'row row row your boat' and today he started making the diamond shape with his hands so I started singing 'twinkle twinkle little star' and he danced to that too. He's quite good at doing a few actions to 'rock-a-bye your bear' by the Wiggles too hehe
And now I have more HBA stuff to do, so I'm going to go and do it before I stagger into bed!