So, yesterday I had a 9-and-a-half hour work day, on my feet outdoors for most of it. Then went shopping. for food. Came home, fed cats, shower, eat, tired as hell. Zonk, sleep, all fair enough
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I'm starting this without any real expectation of keeping it up on consecutive days, because I'm not online so much anymore, but I thought it was a nice idea, so here goes anyway. Intention is to write at least one good thing about each day
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Having now passed my theory test for the second time, I now have to find a driving instructor who will be happy to just take me on for about 6 lessons rather than a full course. Trouble is, prices seem to have gone up since last time and I'm trying to save up to have the windows done. Ah well, I've got 2 years before my pass certificate expires
When I woke up this morning I had that feeling which I normally associate with a 'dark' day that is going to drag me down and depress me irrespective of what it holds
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Last night I felt hot so I slept with the window open. Today I spent all day sneezing and assumed it was hayfever due to the tree pollen through the window. Now I have a gritty sore throat and am assuming it's a cold. Which is annoying as tomorrow we're doing a site audit and I'll get soaked again. *is grumpy*
We went to Sharrow Lantern Festival last night, which was as always fun - and oddly moving, especially when the lanterns start to go up afterwards. Next time, we'll either take a decent camera or our own lanterns!