Letter and pictures from Narin

Apr 08, 2006 22:43

I got some information about Narin and her family, who I'm sponsoring through PleaseHelp International.

Firstly, here's the letter I wrote to her (I sent a few pictures, too):


Hi! How are you doing?

My name is [full name]. I am 30 years old. I am not married and have no children, but I have a pet cat. I live in Houston, Texas. I work as an editor at a cancer hospital.

My parents also live in Houston. I have a younger brother, who is married and at university in New York. My family is originally from England. My parents came to the United States when my mother was pregnant with me.

I have included two pictures. One is of me at work (it's a few years old). The other was taken at Thanksgiving (November 2005), an American holiday. We visited my brother in New York, and it was snowing, so we made a snowman. On the left is my brother. Next to him is his wife. Next to her is me, and next to me is my mother.

Please write back soon and tell me about yourself. I really hope that you and your husband and son are
doing well.

Take care,


I got this letter back:

Hello Miss Ann,

First of all, my name is Narin Intawatgung. My nickname is Gung.

I am well since I have been able to receive medicine from hospital.

I can not write very well; I only attended school till I was 12 years old. Now I am not working anywhere, but I earn about 300 baht per month washing clothes.

My son will be starting elementary school soon (Grade 1). I would be very grateful if your donation can be used to help our son, Gof, attend and do well at school. At the moment he's not very bright, but he's still young. I don't want him to develop an inferiority complex. Other children tease him because he has HIV. But I want him to be able to learn. I beg you, Ann, to please help us buy for Gof before school starts in May, books, clothes and shoes (the second hand shoes and clothes our neighbor passed down to us are too small for my son now) and also school fees.

Lastly, I would like to tell you about my family. I don't have a father; I've never seen his face. My mother has passed away. I only have my son and husband. I wish your family happiness. I've received your photos. Thank you very much for sending them. Lastly, I wish you don't forget us and you continue to write letters to us.

Thank you so very much Ann, Peter, Yui, and PleaseHelp International.



My question, I think, is when she asks for help with her son's school supplies, is that coming from my donations or is it separate? I guess the people in charge would know. But I suspect it's from the donations.
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