I came across your blog while doing a regional search. I loooove to read about city life all over the globe and man o man do you write just about that!! AND you post pics, so awesomeness squared!
I'm going to F-list you if you don't mind and am all excited to hear more about China! Hee! Oh, and that white and red couch is VERY cool!
Hi Gerri! Thanks for dropping by. This LJ has spanned my life from Manila to China. If you don't mind the occasional rant about my personal life, feel free to glaze over those and enjoy the blog.
Be seeing you! Will friend you back when the anonymous servers are kind.
Comments 2
I came across your blog while doing a regional search. I loooove to read about city life all over the globe and man o man do you write just about that!! AND you post pics, so awesomeness squared!
I'm going to F-list you if you don't mind and am all excited to hear more about China! Hee! Oh, and that white and red couch is VERY cool!
Be seeing you! Will friend you back when the anonymous servers are kind.
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