Hey! Today was great!! I can't explain it.. today just made realize a lot of things, about myself and about other people. Not stuff I'm going to get into right now, but I just need to remember today.. as a really good day =D Everyone, have a GREAT weekend and I love you all!!!
[x] Name: Julia
[x] Birthdate: July 5 1989
[x] Birthplace: Northeast Philadelphia
[x] Current Location: Havertown.. how and WHY I ended up here, I don't know.
[x] Eye Color: Brown
[x] Hair Color: Brown
[x] Righty or Lefty: Righty!
[x] Sign: Cancer- the crab =D
[x] Innie or Outtie: Innie
[x] The shoes you wore today: White and light blue Vans..a different pair of the exact same shoes that I've had since 6th grade.. hey, I stick with what works for me =D
[x] Your eyes: Well, brown.
[x] Your fears: Darkness, being lost, rejection, failure when I've tried my hardest, huge bugs/animals, being trapped somewhere, and life. And.. I think that's it..
-----------------WHAT IS------------------
[x] Your most overused phrase on aim: 'Haha' and 'cool'
[x] Your thoughts first waking up: "Whatever light is on is blinding me to death"
[x] The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Probably hair.
[x] Your best physical feature: Uh..
[x] Your bedtime: Like 9:30
[x] Your most missed memory: So many.
-----------------YOU PREFER------------------
[x] Pepsi or coke: Pepsi
[x] McDonald's or Burger King: Wendy's
[x] Single or group dates: I've never been on a 'single' date
[x] Adidas or Nike: Adidas.. Nike's are made by children who work in factorys and only get paid a nickel for a day. DONT WEAR NIKES!!
[x] Chocolate or vanilla: Mmmm.. chocolate
[x] Cappuccino or coffee: Coffee.. yumm
[x] Thongs or Panties: I hate both of those words, and uh I just wear underwear.
-------------DO YOU------------------
[x] Smoke: Nope
[x] Cuss: Not a lot
[x] Take a shower everyday: Yep
[x] Have a crush(es): Nope
[x] Who are they: Nobody
[x] Do you think you've been in love?: Nope
[x] Want to go to college: But of course
[x] Like High school: A little bit
[x] Want to get married: Sure
[x] Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: Yup.. actually, for that one word, I didn't, haha.
[x] Believe in yourself: I've never fully understood the phrase.
[x] Get motion sickness: Yeah
[x] Think you're attractive: Not always
[x] Think you're a health freak: Nope!
[x] Get along with your parents: Yup
[x] Like thunderstorms: Not really
[x] Play an instrument: Mary had a little lamb on the piano count?
------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID:/:HAVE YOU--------------
[x] Go to the mall: I think so
[x] Eaten sushi: Nope.. but today I saw someone eat a very gross, sushi-like thing.
[x] Been on stage: Nope
[x] Been dumped: No
[x] Gone skating: Nooo haha
[x] Made homemade cookies: Cake?
[x] Been in love: Nope
[x] Dyed your hair: Yep
[x] Stolen anything: Nope.. I've been a good kid lately =D
-------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
[x] Flown on a plane: Yup
[x] Missed school because it was raining?: No
[x] Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: Yeah
[x] Cried during a Movie?: Of course
[x] Ever thought an animated character was hot?: Probably.. like Abe on Clone High. I miss that show.
[x] Had an imaginary friend: Milly! Oh how I miss you.
[x] Cut your hair: Yup
[x] Had crush on a teacher?: I think in 6th grade I liked Mr. Broc.. but I think only cause all the other girls did.
[x] Played a game that required removal of clothing?: Nope
[x] Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Never
[x] Been caught "doing something": Nope
[x] Been called a tease: Nah
[x] Gotten beaten up?: No haha..
[x] Been in a fight: Yeah, but not a physical one
[x] Shoplifted: Bleh, yeah. =\
----------------THE FUTURE------------------
[x] Age you hope to be married: Somewhere in my 20's
[x] Numbers and Names of Children: Numbers? Oh I want to have like 12 kids
[x] Descibe your Dream Wedding: Nice and peaceful and welcoming..I dont know.
[x] How do you want to die?: Old and contented and as healthy as possible.
[x] What do you want to be when you grow up?: A reporter
[x] What country would you most like to visit?: Spain.. I might go this summer!!
-----------------OPPOSITE SEX------------------
[x] Best eye color: HAZEL. asdgjakjgskj!!!
[x] Best hair color: Doesn't matter
[x] Short or long hair: I dont like LONG hair, but shaggy hair is good..and I like short hair too
[x] Best height: When you're 5'8, you don't really have too much of a choice.
[x] Best weight: Uh.. normal?
[x] Best first date location: Wherever we can have fun
[x] Best first kiss location: Not somewhere that's typical, like a beach surronded by roses and candles.. I hate that stuff.
-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------
[x] Number of people I could trust with my life: My parents and my sister. So, 3.
[x] Number of CDs that I own: More than a few but less a bunch.. several?
[x] Number of piercings: I dunno, I think they closed up.
[x] Number of tattoos: None
[x] Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: Once in the school newspaper haha
[x] Number of scars on my body: A couple
[x] Number of things in my past that I regret: TONS.
[x] Shampoo: v05.. and Garnier something
[x] Fav Color(s): Blue and coral
[x] Day/Night: Day
[x] Summer/Winter: Summer
[x] Lace or Satin: Satin I guess
[x] Fave Cartoon Character: Daria
[x] Fave Food: Pepperoni pizza with extra cheese.. ahhh
[x] Fave Movies: Theres a lot
[x] Fave sport: I don't like sports
----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
[x] Wearing: Jeans and a blue shirt
[x] Drinking: Nothing
[x] Thinking about: A lot. A lot of really, really nice things about today. Like the good grades I got on tests. And.. other stuff =D =D
[x] Listening to: Nothing
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
[x] Cried: No?!?! THAT'S A RECORD FOR ME.
[x] Worn jeans: Yep
[x] Met someone new online: Nope
[x] Done laundry: Nope
[x] Drove a car: I drove IN a car.
[x] Talked on the phone: Yup
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
[x] Yourself: Once again, the question I will never understand.
[x] Your friends: What?
[x] Toothfairy: Aww, bring me back to those days.
[x] Destiny/Fate: A little
[x] Angels: I have no idea
[x] Ghosts: A little
[x] UFO's: Not really
[x] God: I don't know.
--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
[x] Do you ever wish you had another name?: Nope, not really.. I like my name.
[x] Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: Nope
[x] Do you like anyone?: Nope
[x] Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: My sister
[x] Who have you known the longest of your friends?: Diana
[x] Are you close to any family member?: My sister
[x] Who do you hang around the most?: Um.. my sister..
[x] When have you cried the most: My whole life revolves around crying, for some reason or another.
[x] What's the best feeling in the world?: Laughing and smiling and feeling like you'll never be able to stop, just throwing your head back and laughing so much until you're crying and your stomach hurts.
[x] Worst Feeling?: Man.. the feeling you get when you feel like nothing in life is worthwhile, everything is just a waste, a waste of life and time and breathing and just utterly pointless. When you feel like you'll never be able to stop crying and like you want to cry yourself into an endless sleep, when you have to hold back your feelings and fake happiness for the benefit of everyone else because you don't want to burden them and let your true feelings show. When you want to pull your hair out or rip off your skin and you need to see the sight of your own blood. And um, that's the worst feeling in the world..
[x] What time is it now?: 7:21
<3333 Julia