Title: Love, Sweet Love
Pairing: Charlie/Penelope (with mentions of Percy/Penelope)
Rating: G
Word Count: 285
Summary: Charlie and Penelope argue.
Author's Notes: For
captainpookey, who requested humor, Charlie paired with someone other than Tonks, and the prompt "awkward turtle". Hope you don't mind the pairing! :D
"Come off it, Penny. I didn't mean it like that."
"Right. Because what else could you possibly mean?"
Penelope stood with her arms crossed, bearing down harshly upon the short, stocky man in front of her. "Well?" she demanded impatiently.
"I only meant... er," the man faltered, shifting uncomfortably. "Maybe you should, er, aim a little higher."
"How dare you," Penelope snarled. "Of all the people to criticize my boyfriend - his own brother!"
"You misunderstand me, Penny. I have nothing against Percy, and I'm sure he's a very, er, attentive boyfriend. But- "
"You'd rather it was you."
The statement was met by a loaded silence. He gazed at some object in the distance, refusing to look up at Penelope, whose jaw was still taut out of fury.
"Isn't that right, Charlie?"
"Yes," he responded quietly, his voice far away. "Yes, I s'pose that's one way of putting it."
Penelope's face softened, her lips twitching upward into a triumphant smile. "And what makes you think I'd leave Percy for you?"
Again, they remained frozen, staring, each waiting for the other to make a sound, to make a move.
At exactly the same moment, they both whipped out their wands - but Charlie was much faster; after all, he was built to have sharper reflexes.
Soundlessly his wand performed the magic. One minute Penelope was standing before him, her eyes wide in shock, and the next she was... a turtle. A very cute little turtle, trying to scuttle away without much success, as her limbs had no traction against the solid marble floor.
Charlie bent down to pick her up. "I have a feeling you'll come around," he quipped, smirking as she squirmed awkwardly in his hands.