Friday Fiver

Jan 20, 2006 14:19

1. What do you normally eat for breakfast? Nothing. I hate breakfast food ( Read more... )


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Comments 3

ex_eoin January 20 2006, 21:45:11 UTC
you can cook edible food and you like boys with mild potbellies...why aren't you hitched?! i don't understand my lil gut. i could probably run longer/faster than most yet there it sits.


china6 January 21 2006, 07:12:31 UTC
haha...i'm not hitched because i choose to fall in deep like with major assholes.


ex_eoin January 21 2006, 23:09:31 UTC
ahh isn't that how it always is? funny, i'm an ass to the girls that like me but i'm not interested in, then a sap otherwise.


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