So this is new and exciting for me!
2naonh3_cl2 has recorded podfic of one of my fics and that's never happened before! She let me help pick which fic and that's when I realized I can't bear to reread most of the things I've written, which is sort of tragic. I ended up picking the following (surprise, surprise) because I honestly cringed looking over Suspicions of Surety, which she suggested.
Anyway, she has a lovely voice and I am super flattered because kpop is not her usual podficcing choice. :) Then again, kpop does not normally see a lot of podfic either, in my experience.
If you're interested, it is available here:
The Breath of Life in Me (or, 10 People Who Loved Lee Donghae)Author:
2naonh3_cl2Length: 0:15:46, 14.44 MB
Rating: PG
Summary: It's true that everyone loves Donghae, but they each do so a little differently.
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