STUCK - Fic Reference List

Jan 04, 2015 23:54

Fic Reference List
I'm honestly doing this more for myself than for anyone else (when did I write this much fic? WHEN?). FEEL FREE TO IGNORE.

Chronicles of Narnia
A Story About How It's Better This Way, But Subtitled The Way We Lie To Ourselves | [Peter/Susan]
in the other life, nothing was wrong, but they don't live that life anymore and she says everyday things have got to change.

but they don't.

Now: Explicate | [Peter/Susan] +
he kissed her in between her eyes and he meant it to be gentle, meant it to brotherly, but it ended up feeling like a gunshot, like a wound.

When I Lost You | [Susan] +
it's been six weeks since it happened and you've started to make a grocery list.

That Old Feeling | [Peter/Susan] +
she put his hands on the tip of her waist and she played records and for once she didn't protest when he slid his hand into the crevasses in the small of her back, didn't protest when he placed his mouth to her throat, when he kissed the soft tops of her ears.

Visceral | [Jeff/Annie]
But then a slobbery baby and a wide-eyed cardigan-wearing twenty-something entered his apartment. And things changed.

Meeting pt.1 | [Jeff/Annie]
And anyways, she doesn’t have those same nervous feelings that she once had, not for Jeffrey Winger at least, and she’s thoroughly convinced herself that in fact, she never really liked him, but more the idea of him, with his slick-phrases and stubbled jaw and handsome older-ness. And so, she was fine just being able to tell him whatever and not worry about romantic entanglements. Plus, she found that once she wasn’t worried about trying to impress him, Jeff Winger was a good listener and generally nice guy who got too caught up in being too good and wouldn’t cut himself enough slack. And she knew what that was all about, being hard on yourself, so in the end, the both of them worked.

Fit Of Honesty | [Simon/River] +
And they stay that way for so long, her head buried into his clavicle, his lips grazing the side of her forehead, whispered prayers dripping from the tip of his tongue, ghostily floating and pervading the whole room.

Leftovers | [Mal/Kaylee]
she feels his eyes and she looks up and smiles and when she smiles a small piece inside him breaks, breaks thinly, like a hangnail or a eggshell or a sand-dollar. like that, he breaks, and he finds something in him exploding real quiet-like, softly.

First Mate | [Zoe, on Mal] +
you trusted this man, trusted him more than anything. and you knew it don't make any sense, but when someone tells you to brush yourself off after the hell both of you've been through and get yourself together, and you do, you really do, you know there can't be any other way, not really.

Harry Potter
Wondering | [Hermione, Draco/Hermione, Harry/Hermione]
He snorted at this. “You can only trick people for so long, Granger. Including yourself. Me? I’ve known all along; but only because I’m so bloody brilliant.”

Remember To Floss | [Harry/Hermione]
But then-and she had realized this an indefinite amount of time ago (a month? A year?)-that during all of her life, she just sorta loved him. And there was no use refuting that now, because it was just the practical thing to do, to just admit it.

N'allez Jamais Trop Vite | [Hermione, Harry/Hermione]
But instead, she merely shrugged her shoulders and told Harry that she wanted to get to the castle to get Ron his caramels, because he knows how much Ron loves them, and she loves Ron, doesn’t she now? Doesn’t she?

She does. Or she did. Something like that.

Thermodynamics/Evolution/Laws of science | [Harry/Hermione]
he cannot stop himself from walking into the kitchen and saying, "hermione, i love you i love you i love you iloveyou and i've always known that, i always have, but you forget sometimes what you know, like algebra and stupid simple charms and grammar."

Ternary | [Hermione, Harry/Hermione] +
and it's quite literally like this, ripping through the shit and the debris to expose the tiny digested animal, to expose what could be lost, what could have been missed throughout the thousands of bits and shards of distractions, the thing that was worth all that dirty work in the first place. she will put the bones together, licking them until they shine like ivory, arranging the skeleton so that it looks perfectly naked in it's completeness.

Albatross, pt.1 pt.2 | [Harry/Hermione]
and then she knows, knows as soon as she sees the yellow-gray sun slant over his face. she has known it for a long time, perhaps since she walked into his train cabin and thought oh, there you are. she thought this and didn’t know why exactly. but it came to her, over the years, like pieces of puzzle fitting slowly into place. and now, she has placed the last piece down and she knows. she knows she knows she knows.

Stains & Scars | [Remus/Lily] +
"Some times we have to do things we don't want to, Remus."
"I know that, Lily."
"It's for... the best."
"And, well, I got sick of waiting. I don't think things would've changed for us."
"Ah, yes. Well, who's to tell? You're probably right. Things don't change for someone like me, Lily. You're right."

Four | [Cameron/Foreman] +
she scrubs her sheets. she's good at destroying evidence.

Nearly (Or, Five Couples That Should Have Had Happy Endings But Then Didn't) | [Harry/Hermione, Mal/Kaylee, Edward/Rosalie, Derek/Casey, Obi-Wan/Padme]
he answers yes, yes of course, but he turns his back to her in bed and stares at the space between their bed and the window and thinks that everything will end the same way it started: unwell.

Phantom Of The Opera
Et mes yeux dans le noir | [Meg, Erik/Meg]
Internal Dialogue. Cabin fever. Fever. Chilly fever. That was what his fingers were like-- chilly fever.

Dans Le Noir | [Erik/Meg] +
for the most part, neither one loved the other very much at all until things changed.

Pirates Of The Caribbean
Legends Never Die, They Just Fade Away | [Jack/Elizabeth] +
they say there is a woman in the depths of the swamps of the caribbean and no one knows who she is, but for something shiny that she might braid into her hair, she will tell you stories. stories of some sea people who went to the end of the world and back and embraced and loved and lived. and sometimes the gods have pity, she will say, and sometimes they do not.

Star Wars
Untitled | [Obi-Wan/Padme]
She thought about how this was probably the last time she would kiss him. Then again, he didn’t move his feet from hers as she watched the sun set.

Hermeticum | [Obi-Wan/Padme] +
As they dueled, he found images being pulled out of his mind, small fragments of a past-life that strangely felt so much simpler: the quiet whisper of her fabric on his forearm, the brush on her lips on his temple, the smell of his shampoo in her hair; all fuel for a dark and horrible rage.

My Last Exhale (An Army Of Lovers Cannot Fail) | [Gen] +
everyone in forks mourns the death of isabella swan for some reason; it is a part of their blood, a part of their souls, handed down, a legacy.

they do not speak of it.

Elbow Room pt.1 | [Bella, Bella/Jacob, Bella/Edward]
she finds the window cleaner in the break room and starts to clean the massive front windows, scrubbing until her fingers are red and her elbows ache.

Interim [Jacob, Bella/Jacob]
it would please him exponentially to be able to stand on top of the tall mountains surrounding la push, keep watch for her at night, hope to find the slightest glimmer of light that always emitted from her, a cool, gray light that shimmered strangely amongst the black night.

Five Times Bella Swan Almost Lost Her Virginity (And The Time She Actually Did) | [Bella, Bella/Edward, Bella/OC, Bella/Jacob]
A groan emits from her lips without her even thinking about it. A sort of angry flame licks its way up her throat and she finds herself snapping, “What’s wrong with you boys? Does no one want to sleep with me?”

+ fanmix fics


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