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May 14, 2004 14:13

Trying to decide which honors course to sign up for...

Life in the Universe

Section Number: 4661
Credits: 3
Instructor: Gottesman, Stephen
Meeting Time: MWF 5
Meeting Location: BRT 03
Gordon Rule: Comm - 6000
Gen Ed: P

The origin of living organisms is intimately connected with the rest of the universe. From the Big Bang came hydrogen and helium, and from the interiors of stars came the heavier elements such as carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. Thus, the existence of life on Earth is closely connected with the chemical evolution of the galaxy. When physical and chemical conditions on earth were appropriate, the subsequent biochemical evolution culminating in self-reproducing living organisms was inevitable, according to many scientists. It is clear that we must consider the history of our galaxy, the origin of our solar system, and the early development of the earth. Then, we can discuss ideas about how life evolved from these early environmental conditions. This will allow us to generalize the temporal and physical conditions required for life to form. Do these conditions exist elsewhere in our solar system, and what are the implications of the answer to this question? Having established this framework, we may investigate the possibility of duplicating these features elsewhere in our galaxy. We will need to consider the possibility that stable planetary systems can form around stars, and what the effects of stellar evolution will be on the planetary environment. If planetary systems meeting our criteria are likely, we will consider the probability that an environment will evolve which is favorable for the development of life. Finally, we will attempt to assess some of the environmental factors which may guide the evolutionary development of primitive organisms into intelligent beings. If intelligence appears to be widespread, how can we search for it? What strategies - space exploration, radio transmission of messages, passive listening for intelligent signals (or for unintentionally-radiated clues of an electronically sophisticated civilization) - should be pursued? What efforts in this regard are being made today and are being planned for the near future? Course requirements will include regular attendance and participation in class discussions; periodic, short essays; a mid-term examination; and a final term paper. There will be no final examination. We will consider group projects probably linked to the term paper.

The Tao of Star Trek

Section Number: 1251
Credits: 3
Instructor: Brown, Gayle
Meeting Time: W 11-E2
Meeting Location: HUME 118
Gordon Rule: Comm - 6000
Gen Ed: None

Our general aim in this course is to explore various philosophical issues through the medium of science fiction. We will be spending the semester in the place where philosophy and science fiction intersect. Science fiction affords us an excellent venue for philosophical exploration. Some of the best philosophy is driven by thought-experiments-imaginary scenarios that are designed to illuminate some difficult philosophical question. For example, we might imagine that you and I were to switch brains, or that a transporter mishap results in the fusion of two people into a single person, and then we might ask ourselves what our thoughts about such bizarre circumstances contribute to our understanding of who and what we are.

Philosophy is the exploration of the concepts we employ to understand ourselves and the world around us. We want to examine how we think. Sometimes, upon examination, our pre-theoretical notions turn out to be inadequate. How then shall we respond? What are we to say? Science fiction writers have always looked to philosophy as a fertile source of ideas. Many episodes of the various incarnations of Star Trek are inspired by issues in philosophy, while films such as "A Clockwork Orange," "The Matrix," "12 Monkeys" and others borrow from philosophy in more ways than can easily be counted. Philosophy and science fiction are kindred spirits, for they are both animated by a sense of wonder and by the seemingly limitless possibilities that lie before us.

The course is divided into four main sections: social and political philosophy, metaphysics, philosophy of religion and the theory of knowledge. We begin the term with an examination of Starfleet's Prime Directive, which is basically a mandate of non-interference. Philosophers call this view "Cultural Relativism," for it holds that what a given culture says is right is right for that culture. We want to know if it's true that we ought to never interfere with the moral practices of other cultures. We will then move on to an examination of Plato's Republic. We examine a thought experiment posed by a character in the dialogue-imagine that you came across a magical ring that gives you the power to disappear at will. Question: Would you use the ring to suit your own purposes? Sound familiar? This was J.R.R. Tolkien's impetus for The Lord of the Ring trilogy. We will analyze Plato's theory of justice and evaluate his claim that only the philosopher is qualified to rule the state.

The second main part of the course deals with the study of metaphysics. We begin with an analysis of the notion of consciousness. We want to know if it is possible to prove that another being is conscious-a central question in the debate about artificial intelligence. Next, we will take up the issue of personal identity: Am I one and the same person that I was 10 years ago? Do persons persist over time? If a duplicate of me were created through a transporter mishap, would I still be me? We will also explore the implications of personal identity for evaluating our common-sense conception of morality. For example, consider a case in which two separate individuals are "fused" into a single person. Suppose, further, that authorities discover a way to reverse the fusion process thus restoring the two original persons, but the procedure would kill the newly created person. The question is whether it is morally permissible to go through with the separation procedure. We will then turn to the classical problem of freedom of the will. Do we really possess free will? Is free will compatible with scientific determinism? Is free will compatible with the existence of an omniscient God?

The third part of the course deals with issues in the philosophy of religion. We will examine two of the classical arguments for the existence of God, the Ontological Argument and the Argument from Design. Our question is this: Is reason capable of establishing the existence of God? Next, we will turn to the problem of evil: Why would a supremely perfect, all-loving God allow pain and suffering to exist in the world?

The fourth and final part of the class deals with issues in the theory of knowledge. We will examine Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy, where Descartes proposes his famous Dream Argument. How do you know you are not currently dreaming? In contemporary terms, how do you know that you are not currently trapped in virtual reality? How do you know you are not in the position of Keanu Reeves from the movie The Matrix-that is, how do you know that you are living in the "real world" and not simply a body stuck in a vat of nutrients being fed information making it seem to you as though you are living in the real world? We will take a look at George Berkeley's response to these sorts of worries. Berkeley argues that there is no such thing as an "independently existing material world." He thinks everything that exists is simply and idea in the mind of God. Berkeley's view seems disturbing. It is disturbing to be told your spouse is merely an "idea" in the mind of God. Our question is this: Are there any non-arbitrary reasons to prefer living in the "real world" over and about some phenomenologically indistinguishable world? Finally, we will examine David Hume's skeptical solution to the problem of skepticism. Hume argues that we really don't know much of what we ordinarily take our selves to know. He claims we don't even know whether the sun will rise tomorrow. Our question is this: Could Hume possibly be right?

Grades for the course will be based on a series of take-home essay exams. There will be no mid-term or final. The books for the course will be available at Gator Textbooks.

Milestones in the History of Life: Origins and Evolution

Section Number: 2570
Credits: 3
Instructor: Carrigan, Matthew
Meeting Time: T 4, R 4-5
Meeting Location: LIT 119, LIT 117
Gordon Rule: None
Gen Ed: None

Milestones in the History of Life: origins and evolution - Living systems are organizations of matter with the special property that such systems are capable of Darwinian evolution. Current evidence suggests that the diversity of modern life-forms is the result of the process of evolution from a single common ancestor. To understand the phenomenon we call "life", we must understand the transition from non-evolving matter to matter that evolves, and then examine how the process of evolution has created such an amazing diversity of life-forms.

In this class we will examine some of the major biological innovations in evolution of life, from life's origins to human consciousness. Topics will include: the making of a "prebiotic soup" from the Big Bang; the transition from a "prebiotic soup" to a modern life-form (with DNA, RNA, and protein); the earliest records of life on Earth; innovations key to the diversification of life (cellular compartments, genetic recombination, multi-cellularity, sexual reproduction); evolution of complex behaviors (such as communication, mutualism, altruism). Biological innovations particularly relevant to human evolution will also be discussed.

Class discussions will extend the lecture material in the direction of the student's interests, but may examine questions such as: Is there a definition of "life"? Given the proper conditions, is "life" inevitable? What about intelligent life? Can complex behaviors evolve via Darwinian mechanisms? How has evolution shaped human traits (such as skin color)?

Although there are no prerequisites for the course (non-science majors are welcome) it will benefit students if they have a general knowledge of (or at least interest in) biology, genetics and chemistry. Please contact the instructor if you have any questions.

Grading will be based on: (1) attendance and participation; (2) weekly quizzes on assigned reading; (3) one short-essay mid-term exam (possibly a take home exam); (4) one final term paper including a short class presentation.

Molecular Genetics and Evolution

Section Number: 0832
Credits: 3
Instructor: Mulligan, Connie
Meeting Time: T 3-5
Meeting Location: LIT 117
Gordon Rule: None
Gen Ed: B

ANT3930 will examine the use of molecular genetic data to investigate the evolution and history of humans. The completion of the human genome sequence has greatly facilitated the application of molecular genetic data to questions of human prehistory. Specifically, variant sites in the human genome can now be identified through a computer search rather than spending months or years in the laboratory. These variant sites can then be used in a number of investigations, such as the reconstruction of past migration events or the detection of admixture or gene flow in a population. Specific topics to be discussed include the emergence of anatomically modern humans in Africa (out-of-Africa vs. multiregionalism), Neanderthal genetics (did we interbreed?), colonization of Europe, and the use of ancient DNA to study human evolution. Application of molecular genetic data to human origin questions will be presented in two course textbooks (The Seven Daughters of Eve by Bryan Sykes and Genetics and the Search for Modern Human Origins by John H. Relethford) while relevant journal articles (course packet) will provide current examples of questions being addressed in the literature. The course meets once a week for three hours and the course format is lecture plus discussion with substantial class participation. Evaluation of student performance is based on class participation, oral presentations, problem sets, regular quizzes, and exams. Although basic molecular biology concepts will be reviewed, some knowledge of DNA structure, Mendelian genetics, and molecular biology is expected. For questions about the course, contact Dr. Mulligan at mulligan@anthro.ufl.edu.

I know I'm a nerd... but I'm so excited! :)
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