There forces of nature and technology truly worked against me and getting to danny's game today.
I, for one, had no clue on how to get to Nathan Hale and andrew said he'll pick me up at Northgate 10:30. So i woke up pretty early, about 8:30 or so. Got ready really fast and speeded out the door, and missed the 36 bus by a matter of minutes. i waited for 15 minutes until the next arrived. Reaching chinatown, i realized the bus tunnel was not yet open, so i ran to get on a bus downtown to take the 41 bus. I missed 10 minutes...and the next one wouldn't come for another 1/2 and hour. Worried that i might not make it in time...i just got on the bus that said "66 to northgate" This bus took the long way to northgate, passing the Fred hutch and went through the U-district, which was very beautiful. I had never seen these places through that perspective, so missing so many buses didn't really bother me. Arriving at NG, i saw no one and sat for about 15 minutes until i went to call andrew/kphil/alex a couple times each. After eating and waiting for 1/2 an hour, i left, determined to find a way to Nathan Hale. I called k phil at the transit center, and he told me to just go on the 75 bus...which at that time had just drove past me. I looked at the schedule and it said it'd be coming in 1/2 hour or so...i was totally lost. So i went to the 68 bus and asked it were going anywhere close to Nathan Hale, he said no, but was willing to take me to 65 bus which does. But then he descided it'd be best for me to just wait for the 75 instead of transfering many times. Very nice bus driver. the 75 Arrived, and the bus driver commented that i was full of energy? so i giggled and sat down. K phil waited for me at the stop, so i got off. Got to the game safely. I was in a best mood until i met up with andrew.