So last night, Todd, of all people in the world, decides he wants to go out. This is monufuckingmental, so obviously Hai and I are ready to accomodate. Prior to Todd coming over, we head downstairs to our favourite Vietnamese restaurant where we eat at least 4 times a week, to the point where they don't even give us menus anymore because we're always getting the same delicious things.
Anyway, we go to the Bovine, and sometime around 1 I started feeling like I was WASTED drunk, despite not drinking anything save for one 50 and the odd White Russian at home like 6 hours previous.
We go home and fall asleep and I proceed to vomit for 3 hours. I freak out, call my mom (still vomiting...mmm) and she puts me on the phone with a nurse who is all like "You need to go to the hospital"
So I wake up Hai Vu, and he takes me over to Mt. Sinai and there I continue being gross until they finally hook me up to an IV and run a bunch of tests.
I got sent home this morning after they ran an IV drip thingy (my first one of life...I feel like this is a serious occasion) and gave me stuff to stop throwing up.
AND THEN, Hai played AWESOME by going to get me tons of Jell-o and Chicken Broth and flat gingerale (the only things i'm allowed to eat for two days...helloooo skinny Chelsea) and things are all better!!
Seriously though, who gets food poisoning anymore? Ay yi yi.