HoLife played at CIUT, and afterwards we went out drinking at Sneaks. I got drunk (obnoxious) enough to be loud and ridiculous, and upon leaving Josh, Shamus, Hai, Paul and myself went stickering!
After running into a friend of Shamus' we broke into the Dundas & Bathurst (Fundas & Bathhurr) pool which was AWESOME except that a) i had no bra, and b) inappropriate swimming underwear. So anyway, I went in tights and a random top but here are some things I learnt.
1) Josh is a bad judge in diving contests because he is impressed with big splashes and not my swan-like elegance
2) cool kids are still lame
4) Paul Miller is a worthy adversary in cannonballing competitions
5) Getting your tights stuck on the top of a wire fence BLOWS
6) I want to break into Fundas & Bathhurr EVRY NGHT.