There's only one more boys and girls...
sassyskunk asked for Wes/Spike for
Sometimes Wesley daydreamed about twisting his fingers in those blond curls and yanking Spike’s head back for a full, throaty-moan of a kiss
Other times he just wanted to shave it all off.
All of it.
He could feast on skin and stubble, the scrape and the softness - a perfect metaphor for Spike, really.
Deep down though, Wesley knew the curls were Spike’s weakness, his Sampson fucking Delilah weakness that would unfetter him from Angel and Spike would be lost.
He’d look at Wesley with mirrored blue and be searching for deep brown to drown in. Wesley couldn’t have that.
The next prompt is Supernova
Your Mission: The first to comment will get a drabble within the week. Throw me a fandom, crossover, rps, anything. If I don't know the fandom, I'll let you know. If there's *really* something you want in your drabble, you can request it, but really, all you have to do is give me a pairing.