I know I've been fail about actually playing with you guys, but I'd love to join you in this verse if you've still got room. 8)
In addition to Cissie (I'm not sure what I could do with her in Smallville, beyond her being an Olympic archer-turned-superhero), I've also got Tom Bronson, who in comic-verse is Ted Grant's son and the second Wildcat.
As for approaching them... that, I'm not sure about, but Cissie could easily be in Star City for an Olympic thing while Tom could've been forced for a "father-son bonding trip."
It's fine, re: Tom, since not even most DCU fans know about him. XD He's basically a 20-something smoking, drinking slacker that turns into a werepanther and is an active member of the JSA.
I don't mind either scenario! ♥ If you want to go to a competition, I'm game with that as well as seeing her on TV. (Fun fact: she also played Tara in her world's version of Buffy, so apparently she was a Hollywood actress? idek, I'm just trying to shoot ideas here.)
Think Mia would have followed Oliver to Star City after season ten? The show wasn't clear at all about what happened to her, but I'd like to think he wouldn't just up and leave without giving her the option of tagging along.
I can think of various things! Do you want them to meet in uniform first or out? Also, where are you playing that Star City is located? In the comics I know they are both based in California with Coast City being a couple of cities South of Star City.
Hal could easily be in Star City checking this Green Arrow figure out or being there on business for Carol.
Yes! We've always stuck with California for Star City. :D I think it could be fun to have them in uniform first? Or they could meet randomly somewhere out-of-uniform and then again IN uniform. *is excited*
Comments 17
In addition to Cissie (I'm not sure what I could do with her in Smallville, beyond her being an Olympic archer-turned-superhero), I've also got Tom Bronson, who in comic-verse is Ted Grant's son and the second Wildcat.
As for approaching them... that, I'm not sure about, but Cissie could easily be in Star City for an Olympic thing while Tom could've been forced for a "father-son bonding trip."
I don't know much about Wildcat and my knowledge about Ted Grant is basically all Selina-related, but he's welcome to join the team too.
Ollie would probably drag Chloe to the competition, maybe? Or at least watch it on a local channel and realize how good Cissie is?
I don't mind either scenario! ♥ If you want to go to a competition, I'm game with that as well as seeing her on TV. (Fun fact: she also played Tara in her world's version of Buffy, so apparently she was a Hollywood actress? idek, I'm just trying to shoot ideas here.)
I'll see what Ollie!Mun thinks, but wait, is that comic canon or did you just come up with it? The Tara thing? Because that'd be awesome.
So I'll let y'all figure that out and be agreeable with it! XD
Hal could easily be in Star City checking this Green Arrow figure out or being there on business for Carol.
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