*~ Controversial Issues ~*
How do you feel about abortion?: pro-choice
How do you feel about cloning and stem cell research?: go for it
How do you feel about censorship?: against
How do you feel about gun control?: CCW regulations need to be relaxed, types of guns available to general public can stay the same
How do you feel about communism?: eh.
How do you feel about plastic surgery?: neutral
How do you feel about gay marriage?: for
How do you feel about the death penalty?: neutral
How do you feel about online dating?: neutral
How do you feel about flirting if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: not my style
*~ Right Now ~*
Date And Time: 1556 010208
Wearing: the usual
Hairstyle: straight
Eating: nothing
Drinking: water
Thinking About: nothing
Listening to: Thrice
Talking to: nobody
Singing?: off and on
The Weather is: good for winter
Your mood is: blank
*~ Miscellaneous Questions ~*
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: no
Do you have a journal?: yup
Do you have any piercings?: nope
Do you have any tattoos?: nope
Do you want any piercings/tattoos?: yup
Do you have any bad habits?: lots
Are you superstitious?: somewhat
Do you wish on stars?: nope
Do you like roller coasters?: nope
How do you release your anger?: i hit things
What are the last 4 digits of your phone number?: 8431
Where would you like to sleep for a night?: dunno
Where's your second home?: Sacramento
What was the last thing you cried over or got teary about?: dunno
What's something about guys/girls that you don't get?: dunno
How do you eat an Oreo?: i don't
What's an object you can't live without?: my laptop
What makes you happy?: things
What's the next CD you're going to get?: dunno
What's your most embarrassing CD?: dunno
Do you have a CD burner?: yup
Do you have a lava lamp?: nope
Do you wear contacts or glasses?: yup
Do you have braces or a retainer?: retainer at night
Worst sickness you've ever had: bronchitis
Where is your computer?: on my right
What's on your mouse pad?: my schedule - my mouse pad is my desk calendar
Can you touch your nose with your tongue?: nope
Can you juggle?: not really
How many keys on your key ring?: four
Best wedding you ever went to?: dunno
What's the worst advice given to you?: call!
What's the best advice given to you?: play your game man
What is one of the best days of your life?: dunno
What books are you reading? Joseph Finder, High Crimes
What song seems to reflect you most?: Lostprophets - Rooftops
Do you have any enemies?: one-sided
What did you do today?: midterm + poker + sleep + eat + listen to music + survey + clean trash + exercise ahh
What are you doing later?: sleep
What is your greatest fear?: a few things
If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything you owned to?: my friends
What inspires you?: air. the air does.
What did you have for breakfast?: bagel
Do you like getting mail?: yup
If E.T. knocked on your door and asked to use your phone, what do you do?: dunno
What's your e-mail address?: iwasntbornyesterday@smarterthanyou.com
What does it mean?: you're a sponge.
Last time you were depressed?: everytime
What is your all time most favorite sweet?: dunno
How do you want to die?: very quickly
What do you want to happen to your body once you die?: i don't care, i'll be dead
If you could bring someone back from the dead who would it be?: dunno
If you could go back in time and change something about your life. . .? dunno
If you could ask God one question, what would it be?: why do you keep hiding from everyone?
If you were stuck on a deserted island, who would you want to be with?: dunno
What is your idea of fun?: friends, music, cards, drinks
If you could take over the world, would you?: nope
If you could be doing anything right now, what would it be?: dunno
Who do you want to be with right now?: dunno
Do you like to swim?: not really
Which celebrity (or even animated character) do you look most like?: no idea
In the past week, what is the most fun thing you have done?: poker
What would you do if you knew the world would end tomorrow?: yawn and nod
Who do you think is the most attractive person in the world?: dunno
If you could go back to any era in history, where would you go and why?: dunno
Do you have a cellphone or MP3 player?: yup
What's something crazy that you would do for a million dollars?: no idea, ahaha
Who would you consider a hero?: people who make a difference without intending to
Who are your personal heroes?: dunno
If you were to become blind, what would you miss most?: driving
Do you do volunteer work?: free hugs
Where do you want to travel most?: Hong Kong, Spain, Thailand
What are your favorite types of accents?: dunno
What are you most known for?: sense of humor, haha
Do you have a myspace?: yup
What was the last thing you bought?: no idea
Would you ever enlist in the military?: not of my own free will
If you hadn't been doing this survey, what would you have been doing?: cleaning