Translated to Japanese:
夢を見ることはコミュニケーションの行為ただでない; それは審美的な作業、想像のゲームそれ自身の値のゲームまたである。私達の夢は想像することは人類で最も深い必要性間に-- 起こらなかった事について夢を見るため-- それことをである証明する。
Translated back to English:
What looks at dream is not behavior of communication simply; That is
aesthetic job, the game of that itself value of the game of the
imagination and. Our dreams imagining in order to look at dream, with
the mankind -- concerning not happening between the deepest necessity
-- that is, it proves.
Translated to Chinese:
什么看梦想简单不是通信工作情况; 那是审美工作, 那个想像力的比赛的本身值比赛和。我们的梦想想象为了看梦想, 以人类-- 关于不发生在最深刻的必要之间-- 那是它证明。
Translated back to English:
Any looked the dream is simple is not communicates the working
condition; That is the esthetic work, that imagination competition
itself value competition sum. Our dream imagination in order to look
at the dream, -- about does not occur by the humanity between the most
profound necessity -- that is it proved.
Translated to French:
En ont regardé le rêve sont simples ne sont pas communiquent la
condition de travail ; C'est le travail esthétique, cette somme de
concurrence de valeur de la concurrence d'imagination elle-même.
Notre imagination rêveuse afin de regarder le rêve, -- environ ne se
produit pas par l'humanité entre la nécessité la plus profonde --
qui est lui s'est avérée.
Translated back to English:
In looked at the dream are simple are not communicate the working
condition; It is aesthetic work, this sum of competition of value of
the competition of imagination itself. Our rêveuse imagination in
order to look at the dream, -- approximately does not occur by
humanity between the major need -- which is him proved.
Translated to German:
In dem Traum, einfach sind nicht die, Arbeitsbedingung sind
mitzuteilen betrachtet; Es ist ästhetische Arbeit, diese Summe
Konkurrenz des Wertes der Konkurrenz von Phantasie selbst. Unsere
rêveuse Phantasie, zwecks den Traum zu betrachten, -- ungefähr tritt
nicht durch Menschlichkeit zwischen der Hauptnotwendigkeit auf -- die
er ist, prüfte.
Translated back to English:
In the dream, those, condition of work are not simple are regarded to
indicate; It is aesthetic work, this total competition of the value of
the competition of fantasy. Our rêveuse fantasy, for dream to regard,
-- approximately does not occur by humanity between the main necessity
-- which is he, checked.
Translated to Italian:
Nel sogno, quelli, stato di lavoro non sono semplici si considerano
per indicare; È lavoro estetico, questa concorrenza totale del valore
della concorrenza della fantasia. La nostra fantasia del rêveuse,
affinchè sogno considerino, -- approssimativamente non si presenta da
umanità fra la necessità principale -- che è lui, controllato.
Translated back to English:
In the dream, those, be of job are not simple are considered in order
to indicate; It is aesthetic job, this competition total of the value
of the competition of the fantasy. Our fantasy of the rêveuse,
affinchè dream considers, -- approximately it is not introduced from
humanity between the main necessity -- that he is he, controlled.
Translated to Portuguese:
No sonho, aqueles, sejam do trabalho não são simples são
considerados a fim indicar; É o trabalho aesthetic, este total da
competição do valor da competição do fantasy. Nosso fantasy do
rêveuse, sonho do affinchè considera, -- não é introduzido
aproximadamente do humanity entre a necessidade principal -- esse ele
é ele, controlado.
Translated back to English:
In the dream, those, are of the work are not simple are considered the
end to indicate; Aesthetic is the work, this total of the competition
of the value of the competition of fantasy. Ours fantasy of rêveuse,
dream of affinchè considers, -- it is not introduced approximately of
humanity between the main necessity -- this it is it, burst.
Translated to Spanish:
En el sueño, ésos, están del trabajo no son simples se consideran
el extremo a indicar; Estético es el trabajo, este total de la
competición del valor de la competición de la fantasía. El nuestros
fantasía del rêveuse, sueño del affinchè consideran, -- no se
introduce aproximadamente de humanidad entre la necesidad principal --
esto que es él, explosión.
Translated back to English:
In the dream, those, are of the work are not simple consider the end
to indicate; Aesthetic it is the work, this total of the competition
of the value of the competition of the fantasy. The our fantasy of
rêveuse, dream of affinchè considers, -- it is not introduced
approximately of humanity between the main necessity -- this that is
he, explosion.
Original English Text:
Human lives are composed like music. Guided by his sense of beauty, an individual transforms a fortuitous occurence into a motif, which then assumes a permanent place in the composition of the individual's life.. without realizing it, the individual composes his life according to the laws of beauty even in times of greatest distress. It is wrong, then, to chide the novel for being fascinated by mysterious coincidences, but it is right to chide man for being blind to such coincidences in his daily life. For he thereby deprives his life of a dimension of beauty.
Translated to Japanese:
Translated back to English:
Life is formed like music. By that beautiful feeling being led,
following to the law of beauty at the time the private range of the
largest painful brain, accidental occurence generation without
implementing that, the normal storage space of configuration of life
of the individual. The motif which you suppose, the individual that
life which is formed is made to deform. As for that by mistake it is
in order to criticize the novel for fascinating with mysterious
syndrome, and, the fact that the person for the thing which is the
blind person in that kind of syndrome of that daily life is criticized
is the right. He plunders that life of dimension of beauty for the
sake of with that.
Translated to Chinese:
生活被形成象音乐。由那种美好的感觉导致, 当时跟随秀丽法律最大的痛苦的脑子的专用范围, 偶然出现时间生成没有实施那, 单个的生活的配置正常仓库面积。您假设的主题, 生活被形成被做扭屈的单个。至于那它错误地是为了批评小说为迷住以神奇综合症状, 并且, 情况人员为事哪些是盲人由于亲切那日常生活综合症状被批评是权利。他掠夺维数那寿命秀丽为与那。
Translated back to English:
Life by shape image formation music. Causes by that kind of happy
feeling, at that time followed the beautiful legal biggest pain the
brain special-purpose scope, accidentally the epoch generation has not
implemented that, single life configuration normal warehouse area.
Your supposition subject, lives is formed is done single the torsional
buckling. Wrongly is for criticize the novel as for that it for to
charm by the mysterious synthesis symptom, and, is the situation
personnel for matter which a blind person because the kind that daily
life synthesis symptom by the criticism is a right. He plunders
dimension that life beautifully for and that.
Translated to French:
La vie par la musique de formation d'image de forme. Les causes par
celle aimable au sentiment heureux, à ce moment-là suivi la belle
plus grande douleur légale la portée pour un but particulier de
cerveau, accidentellement la génération d'époque n'a pas mis en
application cela, zone normale d'entrepôt de configuration simple de
la vie. Votre sujet de supposition, les vies est formé est
célibataire fait la boucle de torsion. Est incorrectement pour
critiquent le roman quant à celui ce pour à charmer par le symptôme
mystérieux de synthèse, et, est le personnel de situation pour la
matière qui une personne aveugle parce que la sorte que le symptôme
de synthèse de vie quotidienne par la critique est un juste. Il pille
la dimension laquelle la vie admirablement pour et laquelle.
Translated back to English:
Life by the music of formation of image of form. The causes by that
pleasant with the happy feeling, at this moment followed the beautiful
greater legal pain the range for a particular goal of brain,
accidentally the generation of time did not apply that, normal zone of
warehouse of simple configuration of the life. Your subject of
assumption, the lives is formed unmarried is made the loop of torsion.
Incorrectly for criticize the novel as for that it for charming by the
mysterious symptom of synthesis is, and, is the personnel of situation
for the matter which a person plugs because the kind that the symptom
of synthesis of everyday life by criticism is a Juste. He plunders the
dimension which the life admirably for and which.
Translated to German:
Leben durch die Musik der Anordnung des Bildes von Formular. Die
Ursachen durch die, die mit dem glücklichen Gefühl, an diesem Moment
gefolgt wurde den schönen grösseren zugelassenen Schmerz die Strecke
für ein bestimmtes Ziel des Gehirns, versehentlich das Erzeugung der
Zeit angenehm ist, wendeten nicht die, normale Zone des Lagers der
einfachen Konfiguration von der Lebensdauer an. Ihr Thema der Annahme,
die Lebensdauern wird unverheiratet wird gebildet die Schleife der
Torsion gebildet. Falsch für kritisieren Sie den Roman, was das
anbetrifft es für das Bezaubern durch das geheimnisvolle Symptom der
Synthese ist und, das Personal der Situation für den Stoff ist, den
eine Person weil die Art einsteckt, daß das Symptom der Synthese der
täglichen Lebensdauer durch Kritik ein Juste ist. Er plündert das
Maß, das die Lebensdauer bewundernswert für und das.
Translated back to English:
Life by the music of the arrangement of the picture of form. The
causes by those, which with the lucky feeling, on this moment one
followed the beautiful larger certified pain the distance for a
certain target of the brain, inadvertently to production of the time
pleasant is, would not apply those, normal zone of stocks of the
simple configuration of the life span. Their topic of the acceptance,
the life lasting is formed unmarried formed the loop of the torsion.
Falsely for you criticize the novel, which concerns it for the
Bezaubern by the mysterious symptom of the synthesis is and, the
personnel of the situation for the material is, which a person because
the type puts in that the symptom of the synthesis of the daily life
span is by criticism a Juste. It pluendert the measure, that the life
span admirablly for and that.
Translated to Italian:
Vita dalla musica della disposizione dell'immagine della forma. Le
cause da quelle, che con la sensibilità fortunata, su questo momento
uno ha seguito il più grande dolore certificato bello la distanza per
un determinato obiettivo del cervello, involontariamente a produzione
del tempo piacevole è, non applicherebbero quelle, zona normale degli
stock della configurazione semplice della durata. Il loro soggetto
dell'accettazione, durare di vita è formato celibe ha formato il
ciclo della torsione. Erroneamente per voi critichi il romanzo, che lo
interessa che per il Bezaubern dal sintomo mysterious della sintesi è
e, il personale della situazione per il materiale è, che una persona
perché il tipo mette in quanto il sintomo della sintesi della portata
di vita quotidiana è dalla critica un Juste. Esso pluendert la
misura, quella la durata admirablly per e quello.
Translated back to English:
Life from music of the disposition of the image of the shape. The
causes from those, than with the fortunate sensibility, on this moment
one has followed the greatest certifyd pain beautiful the distance for
objective determining of the brain, involuntarily to production of the
pleasant time is, would not apply those, normal zone of the stocks of
the simple configuration of the duration. Their subject of the
acceptance, to last of life is formed celibe has formed the cycle of
the torsion. Erroneously for you it criticizes the novel, than it
interests it that for the Bezaubern from the symptom mysterious of the
synthesis it is and, the staff of the situation for the material is,
than a person because the type puts in how much the symptom of the
synthesis of the capacity of daily life is from the critic a Juste. It
pluendert the measure, that one the duration admirablly for and that
Translated to Portuguese:
Vida da música da disposição da imagem da forma. As causas
daquelas, do que com o sensibility afortunado, neste momento um
seguiram a dor a mais grande do certifyd bonita à distância para
determinar objetivo do cérebro, involuntarily à produção do tempo
agradável são, não aplicariam aquelas, zona normal do estoque da
configuração simples da duração. Seu assunto da aceitação, ao
último da vida é celibe dado forma deu forma ao ciclo da torsão.
Erroneamente para você critica a novela, do que a interessa que para
o Bezaubern do sintoma misterioso da síntese é e, a equipe de
funcionários da situação para o material é, do que uma pessoa
porque o tipo põe em quanto o sintoma da síntese da capacidade da
vida diária é do crítico um Juste. Ele pluendert a medida, essa a
duração admirablly para e essa.
Translated back to English:
Life of the music of the disposal of the picture of the form. The
causes of those, of that with sensibility fortunate, at this moment
one had followed the greatest pain of certifyd pretty at a distance to
determine objective of the brain, involuntarily to the production of
the pleasant time are, would not apply those, normal zone of the
supply of the simple pattern of the duration. Its subject of the
acceptance, to the last one of the life is celibe given form gave form
to the cycle of the torsion. Erroneamente for you criticize the novel,
of that she interests it that for the Bezaubern of the mysterious
symptom of the synthesis it is e, the team of employees of the
situation for the material is, of that a person because the type puts
in how much the symptom of the synthesis of the capacity of the daily
life is of the critical Juste. It pluendert the measure, this the
duration admirablly for and this.
Translated to Spanish:
Vida de la música de la disposición del cuadro de la forma. Las
causas de las, de eso con la sensibilidad afortunada, en este momento
uno habían seguido el dolor más grande del certifyd bastante en una
distancia para determinar el objetivo del cerebro, a la producción
del tiempo agradable están, no aplicarían involuntario ésos, zona
normal de la fuente del modelo simple de la duración. Su tema de
la aceptación, la pasada de la vida es forma dada celibe dio la forma
al ciclo de la torsión. Erroneamente para usted critica la novela, de
el que ella la interesa que para el Bezaubern del síntoma misterioso
de la síntesis sea e, el equipo de los empleados de la situación
para el material está, de ésa una persona porque el tipo pone en
cuánto es el síntoma de la síntesis de la capacidad de la vida de
cada día del Juste crítico. Él pluendert la medida, ésta la
duración admirablly para y éste.
Translated back to English:
Life of the music of the disposition of the panel of the form. The
causes of, of that with lucky sensitivity, at this moment one had
followed the greatest pain certifyd in a distance to determine the
objective of the brain enough, to the production of the pleasant time
are, would not apply involuntary those, normal zone of the source of
the simple model of the duration. Its subject of the acceptance, the
happened one of the life is given form celibe gave the form to the
cycle of the torsion. Erroneamente for you you criticize the novel, of
which she interests that for the Bezaubern of the mysterious symptom
of the synthesis it is e, the team of the employees of the situation
for the material is, of a that one person because the type puts in how
much it is the symptom of the synthesis of the capacity of the life of
every day of the critical Juste. He pluendert the measurement, this
one the duration admirablly for and this one.