The island gives us what we need.

Dec 25, 2016 23:09

1. I can't believe today is still Christmas. It felt so long. There were presents (I got a lot of great ones!) and hanging out with friends and family and yoga and Pokemon and LOTS of Sims 4 (more on that in a sec) and just. So much goodness. Whatever holidays you celebrate or don't, I hope today was okay. Or tolerable.

(I got a lovely Christmas card from my grandfather's girlfriend...but her message to me used my deadname and called me an aunt. AUGH. Neither my grandpa nor his girlfriend know any better - my grandpa's not the kind of guy I can talk to about my life at all - but oof. I felt that one.)

2. SIMS 4 IS SO GOOD. The vast amount of my Sims experience is Sims 2, with a lot of time on Sims 1, and Sims 4 plays better in general. I could live the rest of my life happily in the character customization alone; it is so easy to create genuinely trans/non-binary characters in gender settings, and body proportions are dramatically improved from earlier games. Pretty much the only thing I know right away that needs improvement is hair textures. (The only obviously black hair, for instance, are afros. I wish there were more natural textures and styles and that you could select things like caps during showers and hair coverings during sleep.)

I'm sure I'll have a lot more to say later - there's more I can say now, but I want to play a little more before bed, and I need to go to bed somewhat soon - but! I'm so happy.

3. Sims 4 was a gift from Sister, along with a beautiful messenger bag/purse and a just-as-beautiful journal. Older Sister got me a Dragon Age: Inquisition hoodie and a Mass Effect scarf and socks. A very video game Christmas (which is even better when you know that I got Dragon Age: Inquisition last Christmas). I also got a robe and Harry Potter socks and a Disney giftcard from my parents, to name a few things (I also had a stocking). So lovely.

4. If you're a Pokemon Go player, I recommend getting out to a stop as much as possible for the next few days: your first stop spin of the day gives you a single-use incubator. I'll be able to burn through some 5k eggs! Yay!

5. Yuletide's live, if you didn't know. I stuck to treats this year, so I have no gifts to link, but if anyone wants to guess which stories I wrote, feel free! They're very, very me.

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