Старi запuсu Украiнских (imigranty z pidkarpatskogo regionu Slovakii )? iмiгрантiв зi старuх пластuнок датовано 1920-30.
Думаю Вам буде цiкаво и навiдь можлuво десь и смiшно :-)
http://audiko.net/ringtone/n%2Fa%2F/imigr?ring=20252505#ring=20252505&playКачатu всi 6ть пiсень
Duzhe Wellcome :
http://www.sendspace.com/file/kjb84v message from my Friend who gave me this :-) :
This old christening file comes from an old record--those that went round and round read by a needle that often had to be changed. Yes, it is from 1920s or perhaps early 1930s, made in USA by immigrants. Some are very funny and interesting because some mix in a lot of English words, especially when they tell stories about encounters with policemen and other English speakers. Grandparents had some 78 rpm, and later I found some collections on 33 rpm, and these I have digitized. There's a whole series with these performers.