there are some things girls should always do for guys.

Oct 16, 2008 00:55

1 As much as you want to talk about past relationships, keep it to a minimum, unless he asks. You don't want him to feel like he's in competition with anyone.

2 Every guy has a 'geeky' side of him. Whether it be video games, DVD, WoW, anime, football among other sports, or whatever. Don't make fun of him if you don't like it, either tolerate it, or learn to like it. DO NOT try to change him. If he's constantly ignoring you for that hobby of his, tell him.

3 When you hug the boy, hold tight. It doesn't hurt to rest your head on him either.

4 Compromise for movies. Watch his favorite movies and he'll give in for the movie you want to see.

5 Sometimes pay for the date! I know guys hate this, but if he takes you out constantly, it's more than likely he's going to be poor! Treat him sometime. Even if you just buy the snacks!

6 Hold his hand!! Even in the mall when you have a ton of bags, hold his hand.

7 Don't run away from his favorite stores, if you don't like them! Watch him. Gift ideas!!

8 Any time your guy gives you a compliment, don't just roll your eyes. He means it, and you should smile and say thank you.

9 Guys are pressured to take the relationship to a "deeper level". Stupid society. Anyway, if you dont want that in a relationship, tell him before things get too complicated! You can compromise too. If you are uncomfortable with something, STOP.

10 “Fine" or “whatever" is not an appropriate ending to a conversation. Only makes matters worse.

11 Life isn't a drama or a movie. This is real life, people. They don't often come with a sword, armor, and a white steed.

12 NEVER EVER kick them in the place below the belt. Even in a fight or argument, just don't do it.

13 TRUST HIM. Don't scream when he looks at another girl. We know you were goggling at the cute guy that just passed. It's nature. Don't dig through his phonebook, and hey, guys can have female friends just like girls can have male friends. If this makes things awkward, talk about it.

14 This should go without saying. Love him for who he is! Don't worry about what others think. Don't try to change him into what's cool and hip. Some compromises can be made, and tell him that if he ever has a problem you changing him, to tell you.

15 In an argument, just because society stereotypes women as being smarter, more mature, and men as dumb and immature, doesn't mean you are always right.

16 Listen to him. Even if it's something you don't want to hear. Good communication is key.

17 Cook. It may sound stereotypical, but a lot of guys like having a meal cooked for them. A lot of it is the thought, but if you truly are terrible, then maybe this isn't one you should try. If you know how to cook, maybe teach him, or you both can learn together.

18 Sing. Many girls underestimate how well they sing. You don't have to be able to sing 10 octaves or whatever. Don't be embarrassed to sing in front of a guy, just let yourself go a bit and have some fun.

19 A girl has the right to show off her body, but keep your pride and dignity. Be careful! If you show off too much, guys (and just people in general) may get the wrong message and make assumptions.

20 Just like girls want girl time, guys want guy time. Giving your guy space to hang with his friends is not only fair, but it shows you trust him in a way.

21 Respect the guy for who he is, not because he earns your respect. Guys relate to each other on a respect level, and if you want him to open up to you, he has to know that you don't look down on him.

22 Let your guy take pictures of you. He may not admit it, but that picture will probably be with him always. Even if you think it looks horrible.

23 Don't always expect the guy to be the one to call. It is okay to call your boyfriend on occasion, and it shows him that you care about him and are thinking about him. And don't get upset if for some reason he doesn't have time to talk. He does have a life

24 Remind him that you appreciate all the sweet little things he does for you. Let him know it's not all in vain.

25 If a guy uses a key to let you into his car, reach over and open the door before he gets to it. I know this may be common sense to most girls, but you know, some do not do this. It's a tiny little action that can make a guy go "hey, she's considerate."

26 Let the guy open the door for you or do any other chivalric action. He's fulfilling your wish for a gentleman, don't deny him the chance to do something nice for you. Thank him! You are doing all these wonderful things for him, let him return the favor.

27 Communicate with him. Tell him directly what's on your mind. You can always hope that he'll get your subtle hints or body language, but if it's important, you're better off using words.

28 Sometimes you have to take the initiative. Don't always wait for him to come to you, because if that's how it always is, you're going to lose him.

29 If they buy you jewelry, wear it around them, even if you don't like it. They will appreciate it, because it's the thought that counts.

30 A word of appreciation now and then regarding his protective/kind/chivalrousattitude will go miles toward the end. You won't regret it.

31 When you are talking to a guy you are interested in, lean in, touch his arm or hand, while your talking. physical touch communicates interest and value.

32 Whether it's from across the room or while your talking let him know that you are only interested in what he has to said. so look into his eyes and smile.

33 Never judge him based on his friends. They may give some insight, but sometimes guys as well as girls can befriend people that are completely opposite of themselves because they like the change. Don't let who he hangs around with be the deciding factor of your judgments about him. Get to know him.

34 Cute is what he is when he does something goofy, not how you should compliment his looks.Tell him he looks handsome... or any other word you'd use to describe James Bond.

35 Let him know you're on his side and that you support him and believe in him.

36 Call him instead of IMing or e-mail. Let him talk to you and hear your voice. Note: sometimes, it can't be helped. long distance relationships are sometimes forced to use AIM. In this case, use a camera!! You can see him and hear him.

37 Write him letters! If you want to tell him something but just can't come up with the words in person, take the time to write them down. He'll appreciate it because he can read word for word how you feel for him over and over again, and you know he won't forget it.

38 girls should do little things for guys. If they ask for a drink, just get it for them cuz they don't ask often. Or surprise them with little gifts (even if homemade) it ll show them that you care about them and thought about them during the day, even if they don't admit it, they like it as much as we do"

39 DON'T CHEAT ON HIM! IT'S NEVER WORTH IT! He WILL find out one way or another and odds are you guys are through. Whether you were already split up or still dating... you'll be lucky if he still wants to be your friend!

40 Forgive him. Not hundreds of times for the same mistakes, but relationships are going to have problems and there will be apologies on both sides... Forgiveness is a huge part of a relationship. You may not always want to do it, and he will definitely not always deserve it, but then again, we don't necessarily always deserve forgiveness either...

41 If you know that you and the one you are with should end the relationship, have the integrity and respect to tell them that the relationship is over. Do not just leave and never speak to them again.

42 Dont mess with a guy if you know they like you. This could cause the end of a friendship.

43 Don't wear too much make up. While a little unnoticeable make up is okay, too much make up makes a girl look fake and phony. By not wearing a lot make up, the girl appears confortable in her own skin.

44. Tell your guy if it's "that time of the month," but only if you feel comfortable with telling him. If he really cares about you, chances are that he will sympathize. He may even pamper you a little bit. Also, during this time, guys have a tendency to think that they did something wrong and they have no clue what. Telling him will give the guy insight into how you are feeling at that time and maybe relieve some confusion.

45. Women, Please have the decency to tell the guy WHY you are breaking up with him or leaving him. These things don't happen out of the blue, there's always a reason and they should know what it is. If it is something they are doing wrong let them know so that they could try to correct that in their next relationship and who knows telling him might even end up fixing yours. But if you never give him a reason, he might never change.

something someone said yesterday made me think.
(1) do guys really make fun of girls who they have a soft spot for?
then i remembered some other questions that i've always wondered about as a result of hearing about stuff.
(2) i know some girls pretend to be dumb and fragile and everything but is this different for guys? and are guys really as dense as they make themselves out to be sometimes?
(3) i think girls show they like a guy either by flirting obviously, or just by being extra nice to that guy. how do guys show that they like a girl? like do they jump at every opportunity to have contact with her? and does the fact that they do not mean that they automatically only think of her as a friend?
(4) someone told me before that it's a bad idea to tell someone that you like them because it tends to cloud their judgement somewhat in that they might start to convince themselves that they might like that someone. does it really?
(5) on a related note, do guys prefer girls to make the first move?
(6) what is the best way to let someone know that you only want to be friends when they are either being strange and making their move or have some misconceptions about you as in they think you want to be more than friends? escaping and pretending the problem doesn't exist is one way that has proved to backfire so badly. what else can be done?
(7) what do guys assume when a girl is being nice to them?
(8) what do guys assume when a girl is teasing or being mean to them?
(9) is it always a bad idea to tell a mutual guy friend if there are some kind of special feelings for one of their friends? where would his loyalties lie?
(10) does the answer change if it is not only one of their friends but one of their very good friends? actually i think this question might not be too fair. because i think it would depend on how good a friend both are. and, more importantly, if it happened to me, whether i promised explicitly not to say anything.
(11) do guys go for looks or character?
(12) what do guys think of girls who stay out late at night? wild child? bad girl?
(13) for girls, if 1 guy hangs out with a bunch of girls, more often than not there is something going on with one of them at some point in time. but for guys, does being considered 'one of the guys' automatically rule out any possibility?
(14) what things scare guys off?
(15) why do some guys feel this urge to integrate their significant other into their social circles completely? do they not realise that sometimes plus ones are there just because they are plus ones?

i shall stop here cos it's a nice round number. (:

hahas i suppose guys find it just as hard to understand girls.

i'll post up the corresponding list for guys another day. it's too long.
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