So, I realised that a. it's been far to long since I've posted here and b. I guess I never did a recap for 201o for art? Interesting. See, here are they are below (nothing to fancy).
2010 ART
Harry Potter
Little Lily (Lily Luna Potter, G, 2010)
Marbles and Me (Albus Severus Potter, G, 2010)
Revelation (Harry and Draco, G, 2010)
Time to Go (Draco and Snape, G, 2010)
More Than Meets The Eye (Harry and Draco, PG, 2010)
Future Pastimes (Harry/Draco, PG, 2010)
Swim (Harry/Draco, PG, 2010)
Another Birthday! (Harry/Draco, PG, 2010)
Fade Away (Harry/Draco, PG, 2010)
Should Have Been (Snape/Lily, PG-13, 2010)
Unraveled (Harry/Draco, PG-13, 2010)
Just Another Day (Harry/Draco, PG-13/R, 2010)
In the Heat of the Moment (Oliver/Percy, R, 2010)
Lost (Harry/Draco, R, 2010)
Serenade (Harry/Draco, R, 2010)
No-- (Harry and Draco, Sectumsempra, R, 2010)
Classified Business (Harry/Draco, R, 2010)
Unraveled (Harry/Draco, R, 2010)
By the Sea (Merlin and Arthur, G, 2010)
First Discovery (Merlin, PG, 2010)
The Effects of the Starball (Dean, Sam, Castiel, Ruby, wee!Lilith, and other creatures; PG, 2010)
Jack and Ianto (Jack/Ianto, PG-13, 2010)
Peruvian Vipertooth (G, 2010)
2011 ART
Harry Potter
Pansy and Luna (Pansy/Luna, R, 2011)
Auror Lesson (Harry/Draco, PG-13, 2011)
H/D Convention Art at Infinitus and Lubricus (Harry/Draco, various ratings, 2010-2011)
A Day of Solitude (Harry/Draco, PG, 2011)
White Rage and
Picking a Fight for
H/D Big Bang: Erised (Harry/Draco,
Conjugation, PG-13, 2011)
Tied-Up (Lucius, PG, 2011)
A Cure for Boredom (Harry/Draco, R, 2011)
Hogwarts Acceptance Letters Merlin
Precious Moments (Merlin, Arthur, Leon, Gwaine, Lancelot, Gwen, Gaius, Percival, Elyan; G)
Kind of sad that I can't make as much as art as I used to. Bah. That will have to change for 2012. favorite peice of work from 2010? Fade Away. It was really fun to draw, and I was able to experiment and draw a lot of different characters. And I think I've shaped up a good conception of how I see Harry and Draco in my mind.
I like A Cure for Boredom for 2011, because it was really fun to manipulate Twitter and ponder how the MoM would use it. Hee. Go figure.