game wasnt too bad, had a good show except the LAST toss (the trick one) i turned the wrong way, so i couldnt catch it, of course i spent the rest of the game pissed at myself. oh well
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know what would be AWESOME? if YOU came to the car wash on september eleventh at the mosby woods mobile i would love you forever it would help the guard and dont forget the never ending love and graditude
tomorrows the last day of guard, as much as i love it, i can only be with those girls for a certain amout of time and i more than reached that time, i need a break from them
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guess what guess what guess what i missed the night time practice and GUESS WHAT HAPPENED stellarguard87: u and me got the 2 rifles solos at the end of the opener....the one where we do a trick catch WHOO HOOOOO
on a completly seperate note ive decided that i would like to stop the progression of time. and never go to college
today was 8 hours of guard so is tomorrow and the next day and the next.... EIGHT HOURS!!!!!!!!
i found all these hebrew labels, so i went around my room labeling random objects such as the door, the clock, the window, the flowers, etc. now it reminds me of one of the spanish class rooms where EVERYTHING is labeled. scary scary scary.
ha ha, so i spent about 12 hours cleaning my room, literally, 4pm-4am i did all this only to discover WHY i haddnt cleaned my room since 7th grade i HATE clean rooms