Jun 16, 2010 22:01
- 17:00 Thought I would miraculously get four days off this week, but somehow that turned into two. Still better than normal, I suppose? #
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Jun 15, 2010 22:01
- 08:04 Discovering Dracula on my Brit Lit 2 course list makes it somehow easier to bear, but also a Jane Austen book that i don't own. #
- 13:07 Brought an extra friend! RT@amandapalmer WASH DC! i hope to GOD you're coming to our show @ the 9:30 on thurs. we will ROCK. tix: bit #
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Jun 10, 2010 22:00
- 22:00 My boss is cool enough to let me juggle my schedule to see @amandapalmer @ the 9:30 club! Short week...then a long time without a break. #
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Jun 01, 2010 22:02
- 00:10 Not quite a master chef, but I have graduated to making peanut butter cookies from scratch by myself. Bringing them by Eddas tomorrow. #
- 10:31 Facebook locked me out till I log in on my computer, which is currently in a spyware induced haze. What a lovely way to start my day off. #
- 12:04 Ursinus Tech Services saved the day. #
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May 25, 2010 22:00
- 22:12 Much less Gaga in this Glee than there was Madonna in the Power of Madonna episode. But Kurt's Dad might have made TV history #gleegoesgaga #
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May 22, 2010 22:01
- 19:36 Something possessed me to learn to crochet again. I will be productive this summer, and learn something new. Slowly. #
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May 20, 2010 22:04
- 01:00 Been putting a lot of new music in iTunes lately. Need music to rock out to, but also for pure aesthetic joy. New Glee, old On My Own. #
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May 18, 2010 22:01
- 19:36 Rereading American Gods for #1b1t and I got totally sucked in again. #
- 22:53 Joss Whedon needs to direct more episodes of Glee...or at least have @FeliciaDay play @ActuallyNPH 's wife next time. #
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May 15, 2010 22:00
- 20:13 Thank you BBC America, for letting me catch up on last week's Doctor Who. Definitely my favorite Eleven yet. And that's not even tonight's. #
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