My internet is becoming increasingly retarded. That's why I haven't been around for hella long (it feels like). I miss you, breakfast club.
Recently, I cut my hair and got a DS, thanks to Mancie the Amazingly Generous. I've been rotting my brains over Phoenix Wright, Pokemon, and a number of other amazing time-consumers <3 I also got Memento Mori (or Korean Lesbians from Beyond the Dead) and ... drumroll please
Okay. Tell me that is not amazing. Those skanks. So entertaining.
School is such bullshit, I love it. I need a job so fucking much, I'm going nuts. Babysitting is alright but... ugh, whatever. I'll just spend my time enjoying things~ Maybe one of these days I'll learn to not spend all the money in my pocket at Baby and just wait a week or two and then actually get one of the items I've been lusting after. But FUCK, THEY HAVE MORE NOW.
Speaking of which (so smooth right here), last night I went with Franny to some event at New Ppl. It was a new not-kawaii-so-i-don't-really-care store opening but all I payed attention to was SALE. Though I didn't buy any sale items, just dumb shit. Anyway, we met up with Lynda + a lot of other lovely ladies & brolita to eat and hang and I had a really good time. I used to be so scared and shy when I would go to events when there were other lolitas but since Baby opened, I've been seeing more and more of them so I guess I've gotten more comfortable? It doesn't help that around here, a lot of my "friends" are awful. I'm so tired of their fake backstabbing shit. They think I'm embarrassing and unpopular, and I think they're trashy and tasteless so what's the point in trying to make it work. Fuck them, I'm gonna be myself. Funny thing is since I decided that, I've been less lonely. TANGENT OVER. Ugh, me. So while we were out, my mom called me about a thousand times bringing my ~jailbait~ status to attention. I don't really care, I don't embarrass easily, but it was annoying. Especially how she was so full of RAAGGEEE and then when I get home, she doesn't even care. >:| Waste of energy, chatting time, and first impressions.
Anyway, still babbling about lolita... I feel like Nana Kitade has come and bitten me in my sleep making me one of her vampire slave children. Recently, I have a constant feeling of "I don't give a fuck. Like, at all." and it's even been getting into my clothes and tastes. I've been wearing a lot of less than uniform coordinates, and more than that, I've been appreciating them more. And I've had such an urge to wear kuro. Me. Kuro. Just a month ago, I was the leader in the I Don't Particularly Like Black Especially Because It Isn't Pink (Or Red) movement. It makes me kind of happy. As Danielle said to Lia after she made a super pretentious comment about people with unnatural hair color, "your style has changed!"
So today I have to clean my room, finish Phoenix Wright, do internet shit and watch some Glee.