Title: Winter Song Author: nyoka @ chocolate_muse Pairing: Dean/Castiel Rating: NC-17 Warnings: language; sexuality; AU post-5x22 Count: ~4,200 Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to the CW and Kripke. I own nothing and no one. Notes: This story goes AU post-5x22 with the premise that Dean has gone off to hunt alone. Written for oddlyfamiliar for the deancas_xmas Secret Santa Exchange, and
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Title. Promised Land Author. nyoka Reader. ratherastory Fandom. SPN Rating. PG Length. 00:27:35 Characters. Dean and Sam Summary. It's been fifteen years since Dean and Sam first settled in the lush pasturelands of Montana, and some days Dean is still amazed that they ended up here.
[Lost Highway] SPN. Dean/Castiel. NC-17. ~4,300 words. Follows 6.08. For my kissbingocard to the prompt greetings: hello. Title and opening quote from the song by Leon Payne.
Title: The Silent Country Author: nyoka @ chocolate_muse Characters/Pairing: Jimmy Novak, Dean Winchester [Dean/Jimmy], Claire Novak Rating: NC-17 Count: ~9,950 Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to the CW and Kripke. I own nothing and no one. Warnings: language; sexuality. Notes: This goes AU post-S5. A pinch hit written for janie_tangerine as part of spn_jimmynovak's Novakfest. Summary:
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[The Weight of the World is on Your Side] SPN. Dean/Castiel. NC-17. ~3,200 words. PWP. Vague S5. Title from Holly Miranda. For C, who wanted me to attempt something porny ;)