As a biker and driver in a city with armies of each, I feel your pain. I do bike on the side (R, usually, but L sometimes when it's a one-way street and I've got to make a turn), though, and I try to be very conscientious of what the cars around me need to do. Usually I'm not even listening to music, because I'm too scared of the autos... But oh, man, I do hate it when people honk at me on crowded urban streets. Listen, drivers: If I'm not edging any closer to the side of the road, there's a reason for it. Like, I see a guy three cars ahead might open his car door, and I don't want to hit it and flip. Okay? HONKING SCARES THE CRAP OUT OF ME
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Comments 3
50 million lira = 38 US dollars.
Hell, you tip the waitress more than that.
Mind you, if you were consistently taking out 10 or 12 of them every week, they might start to investigate further... :-D
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