5 times JUMP got mobbed at McDonald's + 1 time they managed to complete their order

May 18, 2009 11:08

Title : 5 times JUMP got mobbed at McDonald's + 1 time they managed to complete their order
Author : chocolatecrack
Length : 983 words
Pairing : -none-
Rating : G
Genre : Comedy? And attempted crack. XDD
Warnings/Disclaimer : Obviously, I don't own them. XDD
Summary : Hey! Say! JUMP attempts to get their order before being mobbed by hundreds of fangirls.
A.N. : I kinda thought about writing one after I saw the post about the group's addiction to McDonald's. XDD Written for the HSJ-thon.

5 times JUMP got mobbed at McDonald’s + 1 time they managed to complete their order.

I. Welcome to McDonald's
“Ah! YES! Work is done! Work is done! Work is done! Work is-”

“You’re REALLY annoying, don’t you know that, Yuto?”

Hikaru said at the cheering Yuto, who now sulked as he carried his bag.

“Hikaruuuuuuuuuuuuu! Let’s go to McDonald’s!!!”

Chinen said as he clinged onto Hikaru. Of course, he couldn’t resist those eyes, so in minutes they were at the entrance.

“Ahh! I just love the smell of French Fries!”

Takaki said, as he took a sniff around the joint.

“Uh, guys?”

Inoo said as he pointed to the entrance. 9 members turned around and widened their eyes.

Being the eldest and most responsible leader, Yabu instructed them on the right thing to do.


And with that, hundreds of screaming fangirls chased 10 pretty boys around Tokyo.

II. Over night in a mini van
Not wanting the previous incident repeated, JUMP decided to use drive through instead.

“I like this idea! Whose idea was this?”

Takaki asked.

Inoo smiled at then innocently.

Finishing their order, Yabu drove through the claim window.

Well, was about to.

“Yabu! Come on, let’s go! Why aren’t you moving???”

Daiki said, not being able to control himself any longer. He REALLY wanted that burger.

“Do not open any windows.”

Yabu said as he gulped.

“Why? Is there something-”

Yamada said as Chinen opened a window. He now stared at 50 girls hogging the window he just opened.

“Close it! Close it! Close it!”

Ryutaro said and wound the handle as fast as he could.


Yabu said.


“This is your worst idea ever!”

And that’s how Hey! Say! JUMP slept overnight inside a mini van.

III. Hey! Say! Pirates
Hey! Say! JUMP was inside their dressing room, being all bored.

That was when Hikaru came bursting in, excited like he just won the lottery.

“Let’s go to McDonald’s!”

“Have not reviewed the situations we got ourselves into?”

Inoo said at him.

“Last time I checked, one of them was your fault.”

Hikaru said as Inoo stuck out his tongue at him.

"Plus, this plan is sure to work!”

A little later…

“I can’t believe we’re doing this! Pirates?? How are people going to believe that Pirates like buying deep fried breaded chicken?????”

Yabu said, silently whispering to Hikaru, who walked all piratey through the McDonald’s entrance.

“No one’s noticing! See, Yabu? This is why it’s ME who should be the leader of the group.”

“Shut up.”

“Hurry up people! I want my burger now!”

Daiki yelled as he dashed towards the counter, about to tell the cashier the group's orders.

“See? This plan is full proof!”

Hikaru boasted, but then tripped on the carpet, revealing his true identity.

“Hey! Say! Pirates!”

A girl screamed and in 10 second flat, they got surrounded by fangirls.


The group was sure to kill Hikaru now.

IV. I do look cute
“I know! We could-”

“No more ideas from you, Hikaru.”

Daiki said as he glared at him. He REALLY wanted that god damned burger.

Chinen smiled brightly at them.

“Why don’t we disguise as cashiers? Then we could just take everything we need and get out!”

No one could resist Chinen Yuri.

“It just might work.”

They all said.

So now, the counter was crowded with their fangirls.

“Okay, so maybe it didn’t work. But don’t I look cute in this uniform?”

9 glaring eyes turned to him as he just smiled innocently.

Like I said, no one could resist Chinen Yuri.

V. Tabloid rumor
“Ideas people! Come on! I WANT THAT BURGER NOW!”

Daiki yelled as he slammed his fist on the dressing room table.

The 9 members gulped.


Yabu said nervously as he backed away from the fuming Daiki.

“Um…cross dressing?”

Yamada said out of the blue.

They turned their heads to him, even Daiki.



Yuto and Hikaru said.


They all thought about it.

10 teenage girls were now buying at McDonald’s and were about to get their orders when…

A random kid bumped Hikaru who grabbed onto Inoo, who bumped into Yabu and so on and so forth, until they reached Chinen whose wig fell off.

“Not again.”

Yabu said and sighed as hundreds of girls surrounded them.

Cross dressing earned them nothing more than a tabloid rumor.

VI. That's what seniors are for, right?
JUMP huddled up in their dressing room.

“Okay, so waltzing right in didn’t work.”

Takaki started and Yuto agreed.

“Drive through didn’t work.”

Yamada said as he glared at Inoo who glared back.

“Cross dressing didn’t work.”

Inoo said as he continued his glare contest with Yamada.

“Pirate disguises didn’t work.”

Ryutaro said and raised an eyebrow at Hikaru, who just rolled his eyes.

“And working at the counter didn’t work too, but I did look cute.”

Chinen said proudly as everyone turned to him. He just smiled innocently.

“And I really want that burger.”

Daiki said and gritted his teeth.

“So, what are we gonna do now? Any ideas?”

Yabu said, being the leader and all.

“Umm…do I have a say in this?”

Keito spoke up.

“What about…”

At McDonald’s…

“Yabu, why the hell are you bringing KAT-TUN to McDonald’s again?”

Jin said as he and his co-members got dragged by their junior.

“No questions.”

“And why is Nakajima bringing NEWS along?”

“Yeah, why are you dragging us to McDonald’s, Yuto?”

Yamapi said as he was pulled by the cuffs by his junior.

“Ask later.”

And of course, if NEWS was there, Kanjani8 had to be there too.

A little later, Chinen joined them by dragging along Arashi.

“Um, Chinen…”

“Senpai, I really idolize you. But could you stop wondering please?”

Chinen smiled innocently at the now frightened Ohno.

Hey! Say! JUMP smirked as they got to the entrance.

“Now what?”

Ryo asked. Every girl in the joint turned their eyes at them.

“Oh fu-”

Jin was about to say, but got cut off by millions of fangirls.

Hey! Say! JUMP smiled innocently as they took their order from the counter.

Now, Okamoto was officially their leader.

Okay, my first attempt on a fic. Posted it here because I'm still working on fixing my fic community. :D Anyone got suggestions on a name? :D
Comments are ♥.

fanfic: crack

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