This post is to lay down the check-in and submission instructions for the writers and fanartists who have signed up to join us. The check-in date is 23rd Jan and the deadline of submissions is 10th Feb. Any questions or clarifications needed can be left in the comments of this post or through emails.
Check-In Instructions
All you gotta do for check-in is let us know whether you are still participating and whether you're okay with the submission date. This is also when you can let us know should you need to drop out; please don't drop out after the check-in date.
Submission Instructions for Writers
Submission of fic(s) will be done through emails. Please attach a .doc or .docx with the email; do not link us to a gdoc or copy and paste your fic into the email itself. The following details about the fic should also be included in the document:
Medium(s) Used: (please specify the word or song or MV used)
Author's Note:
Please make sure that all codings (for bold, italics and underlines etc etc) are included in the document. The default LJ alignment will be used for all fics.
However, if you aren't sure how html codes on LJ, we will do the coding for you so it's okay to send in the document without any coding.
Submission Instructions for Fanartists
Submission of fanart(s) will be done through emails. We will only be accepting JPG, JPEG, PNG and BMP files. The following details about the fanart should also be included in the document:
Fanartist: (it's up to you if you want to reveal your identity during posting of fanarts)
Medium(s) Used: (please specify the word or song or MV used)
Fanartist's Note:
We will be using lj-cuts for all the fics and fanarts posted.
(What is a lj-cut?) Please also indicate the text you want to be displayed as the lj-cut text. (lj-cut texts are the text that are displayed on the home page of the journal/community with it functioning as a link to the hidden text/pictures in the post.)
Now that everything's been said and done, we look forward to your glad tidings of check-ins and submission of fanworks! :D