Hello, whoevermaybereadingthis, and welcome to an endless abyss of crazy, effed up insanity that happens to be conjured up from my imagination. ....yeahhhhhh.
I'm ChocoNeko1310, Julie, Yen, whatever you want to call me....uhh..
I really have nothing to say, other than I'll be posting my AMVs, fanart, fanfiction (maybe?), and other shiet on here XDD
As you can probably infer from the useless things I've been typing previously, I'm a random, kind of messed up, anti-social person who happens to be crazy obsessed with anime and manga. ...yeahhh.
This is an Introduction Post, after all, so I guess I'll talk a little bit more about myself OTL
Well, my real name is Julie (already said that). I'm Filipino and was born in the Philippines (well, no shit), but I moved to Canada when I was six years old. Well, nothing really note-worthy happened in my life, so I'll just leave it at that.
I'm also a crazy obsessed anime/manga fangirl. YEAH.
AND one hell of a procrastinator. mmhmm.
Not that great at drawing, video-editing, or writing, but I do them anyway. Since, you know, there's nothing better to do. And it's kind of fun and all . . .
My current fandoms are Axis Powers Hetalia, Katekyo Hitman REBORN!, and Durarara!! and probably lots of other ones that i'm too stupid to remember.
OH, I almost forgot to mention, but I'm a friggen, die-hard, yaoi fan. yeah.
If anyone really cares, my OTPs are:
Axis Powers Hetalia
FrUK (France/England)
Spamano (Spain/Romano)
RussAme (Russia/America) / RussPruss (Russia/Prussia)
GerIta (Germany/Italy)
DenNor (Denmark/Norway)
SuFin (Sweden/Finland)
Katekyo Hitman REBORN!
6918 (Mukuro/Hibari)
8059 (Yamamoto/Gokudera)
well, those are the two pairings i'd seriously die for, but i'm pretty much okay with everything in this fandom, as well..
Shizaya (Shizuo/Izaya)
but anything else is fine too
Well, I just noticed that I ship mostly any yaoi pairing in these fandoms OTL
I guess I'll end this fail of an introduction now XDD
So, uhmm, yeah, bye. OTL