This Just In: Square Enix is the major shareholder of my bank account.

Jun 14, 2011 16:28

Jukeboxhound and rethira had this quiz. I think it's interesting and kind of sad.

Final Fantasy Quiz

Least Favourite Game And Why?
Final Fantasy II, because of that LOL WUT hit yourself to gain HP thing. It's different and it scares me, mummy.

Favourite Game And Why?
A tie between FFIV and FFVII. IV was my first FF, and VII's the one that I wander around in the most. IV's got the high fantasy stuff, and VII came in a just the right time of my development to capture my imagination: characters, settings, everything.

Least Favourite Character And Why?
Hrm. Legend of the Crystals!Mid Previa. He's kind of an ass.

Favourite Character And Why?
You're trying to make my head explode, aren't you? Here we go: IV: Rydia; V: Faris; VI: Terra and Celes; VII: Cloud, Sephiroth, Zack, Aerith in an OT4 orgy; X: Auron; XII: Basch, Balthier, Ashe; XIII: Lightning and Fang; Tactics: Agrias and T.G. Cid; Legend of the Crystals: Prettz and Linaly; Unlimited: Kaze. Ass-kicking experience/potential in addition to... something. (It varies with the characters.)

Which Games/Movies Do You Own?
(deep breath)
FFI (PSP), FFII (PSP), FFIII (DS), FFIV (GBA and DS), FFV (PSX and DS), FFVI (PSX), FFVII (PSX), FFVIII (PSX), FFIX (PSX), FFX (PS2), the best damn slumberparty ever FFX-2 (PS2), FFXII (PS2), FFXIII (PS3), Final Fantasy Tactics (PSX and PSP), Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (DS), Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (PSP), Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus (PS2), Dissidia: Final Fantasy (PSP), Vagrant Story (It's Ivalice. It counts. PSX)

Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals (VHS)
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (Original vanilla DVD release and Special Edition. Will be getting Complete someday.)
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (DVD)

Any Merchandise?
The artbook for Unlimited, Final Fantasy Unlimited: The After, Final Fantasy VII Ultimania Omega, Final Fantasy VII Memorial Album, Best of Final Fantasy Easy Piano Solo

Bandai Extra Knights figures for Cloud, Tifa, Barret, Aerith, Vincent, and Sephiroth. Figures of Quisis and Rinoa. Play Arts of Cloud, Zack, OGC!Aerith, Sephiroth, AC!Tifa, AC!Vincent, and Fenrir

Who Would Win In A Fight; Genesis or Vincent?

What Systems Do You Own So You Can Play Final Fantasy?
My sole reason for getting a PSX was FFVII. I have since given it away, but I've still got my PS2. I got my PSP for Crisis Core. I got a GBA for FFIV. I got a DS for FFIV. (No, this is not a typo.) I got a PS3 for various things, but I've got XIII.

Which System That Supports Final Fantasy Do You Find To Be The Worst?
Hm. I'd probably say GBA is a hindsight sort of thing here, since most of the FF's that made it there have gone to other places. (Yes, I know that there are difference between the versions, but I'm still annoyed that I have several versions of IV. And get to work on making VI again, Squeenix.)

And The Best?
PS3 if backwards-compatable.

Which Final Fantasy Game Would You Like To Live In For A Day?
Will I be in a position of privilege or will I be in some sort of shit-tacular place? Can I choose where on the world I'll live? I'd say VII because I'm most "comfortable" with it, but that's really one of the shitter places, isn't it?

How Did You First Come Across Final Fantasy?
A friend of my cousin's let him borrow FFIV (Or FFII as we knew it then). We played the crap out of it during a summer. And then VII came out and everyone was all "!!!". I was, too.

Sony Or Nintendo?
Sony. Most of the main line is on their systems.

Child soldiers with little to no memories or soldiers filled with not!oil that makes you see things. SeeD, I guess, because I wouldn't know better. If I decided to go into Soldier of my own free will (since the other choice seems to be your mom telling you you're going to join), then I might have to deal with Sephiroth fans mailing me death threats or something.

Turks Or Al Bhed?
Al Bhed. I love me technology.

True Or False; Cissnei is Cissnei’s real name?

What Would You Change About Your Favourite Final Fantasy Game?
FFVII prettification/grammar check. Also with the voices (English and Japanese), because I like the voices, damn it. If prettification happens, make sure to keep the Compliation things there, but as Easter eggs/optional quests.


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